Fast Food - An Illustration for my Upcoming Book


Inspired by a comment that @selfhelp4trolls left me on my previous post - Asking My Mom for Help - Part 2 - Getting Close to Finishing my Book, it so happened - this afternoon - that I created the drawing depicted above today's post.

It was done in a method that I had never used before ( which is kind of my style, as I tend to adapt and reinvent myself, especially when it comes to my creativity ).

I started out in a fairly normal way, by grabbing some paper and a ( fine liner ) pen. I decided to also grab some paint.

The theme I wanted to draw was based on a scene / chapter in my upcoming book, titled Fast Food. As it talks about the type of prey that predators pick and the book is about a character named Cold Turkey, who is a running bird, my mind decided to focus on race cars and put the bird inside one such a vehicle.

Now let's get back to the comment that selfhelp4trolls left on my last write up:

I always love when you mix photography with illustrations with MS paint šŸ˜. I do hope you keep yourself to high standards and donā€™t settle (but also donā€™t overthink or put off!). Just imagine you are making my cover, I love it and so does everyone Iā€™ve shown it to.

If you don't want to read that full post ( that I referred to earlier on ), his remark was related to me talking about making sketchies to illustrate my book.

The high standards part bugged me a little as I tend to think that my perfectionism stops me from finishing projects and often overcomplicates things but I also felt he has a point here.

Then the ( background ) photography vs illustrations part that he talks about, came to me, after I had finished my illustration.

I then walked outside ( in the blazing heat ) and took some pictures of the old Roman road next to the house that I'm renting.

I cut out my drawing with an old fashioned Stanley knife and, eventually ended up sticking it to my wall with adhesive tape by using a trick I learnt as a kid ( rolled up tape at the back of the drawing ).

I had transferred my camera's photos to my laptop ( that is attached to my movie projector and the road outside my house was now projected on a corner of my living room wall ( where I watch movies ).

It was actually after doing so that I sticked the drawing on the wall / road.

I then did a little bit of trickery in post, with my laptop's standard photo editor.

This one is for you @selfhelp4trolls !

I really hope that this also looks good in black and white,
as I plan to publish my book on Amazon kindle,
so people with E-readers can buy it too.

If not, I have some cool art to promote my book with or to use in any other way I come up with.

Alright, I'm gonna cut it short here. This part time introvert needs to be an extravert for a bit ( as is usually the case in the weekend ).

I'm pretty psyched though, that I managed to come up with this little art piece that I feel is way more than a mere illustration, let alone sketchie.

Now I think of it: one page illustrations in between the text / chapters might be pretty cool.

It's funny, as I had set out, this afternoon, to change my book's footnotes ( that are merely little jokes / extra information ) into end notes.

My mom had told me, after reading through my story, that the footnotes kind of bothered her and I understand. They interrupt the flow of reading.

The footnote to endnote process felt pretty much like a waste of time or, at least, very uncreative but I feel I totally made up for that with this hour or so of art-ing.

Until next time and viva a criatividade!

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