“Flying Off the Handle…” by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

For those who don’t know, my name is Richard. I’m a writer / artist / DJ / anti-social / grandpa and a skeptical mystic. I enjoy making ARTZ (which are like normal art objects, only they aren’t meant to be slick, polished, commercial pieces. Instead, these bits are more like fragmentary, shattered, imaginary pieces of raw TIME. These are moments… Incidents… Occurrences…)

I have a good friend who likes to think I make STORIES with my artwork, but that’s not necessarily the case. (I tend to make stories with my stories…) He SEES stories when he looks at my bits (even the abstract works), but I’m pretty sure the stories are inside HIM, not the pictures…

But story or no, I love making artz. I create new works every day. Several a day, most days. And, thanks to this whole BLOCKCHAIN / NFT / IPFS confabulation, I can instigate a million little moments, create constantly, a steady stream of nonsense, and then tokenize EACH, making them a permanent part of the electronic universe! I’ve infected the ecosystem!!! Ain’t that grand!?!?

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[I’m rewatching CREEPSHOW for the hundredth time… I love this movie. So gross…]

In the recent past, within the last two or three months, some of my NFT creations---my nonsense works---have started selling for stupid prices. I come at this from the perspective of a poor kid from the 1980s. I grew up on CHEAP THRILLS, entertainment which provided that SUGAR RUSH for very little money: cheap ass comic books, cheap ass trading cards, cheap ass Hot Wheels racers, cheap ass Mad magazines, cheap ass VHS rentals, wax lips, 25 cent arcade games, Scholastic books with cheap little 45 rpm records inside, used cassettes at the local record store, nickel and dime candies, and garage sale treasures! ANYTHING that provided a bit of lurid sensation for very little money…

And that’s the ethos I tried to bring to my ARTWORK. Taking cues from later influences like punk, mail-art, Dada, and the zine scene, I make my shit fast, I pump it full of B-Movie monsters and ghosts, and pretend it has some PSYCHIC GRAVITAS, and I sell it for CHEAP! (Like, I try for $5 or $10 at the most! I would rather sell a thousand pieces at $5 a shot than only one piece at five grand. (I’m not very fond of elitist art galleries. I prefer thrift stores, comic shops, and weird little oddity museums…) The more folks who get to play along, the better!

The one place where this ideology isn’t working very well is the ETHEREUM based NFT markets. When I first started tokenizing on MakersPlace, I priced my works at the minimum that M.P. would allow, which was 0.035 ETH, and at the time (in mid-2018) that came to about $7.00 USD. Amusingly, when the artwork was that cheap, very few people seemed to want it! I think I only sold, maybe, one or two pieces per month for the first two years that I was on that platform! As the price of ETH crept higher and higher, however, and my $7 to $10 pieces (accidentally) became $100 to $150 pieces…and (as stupid as this sounds) they started to sell. (WTF?)

Below, however, you will find more of those CHEAP THRILLS that I was talking about at the beginning of this post. I’m into silly, sketchy, nonsense, so for me, all of these pieces are fun. Maybe you think so, too??? Let me know! (If nothing else, I try to be clever… Sometimes my brain don’t work as well as it should, but we do what we can!) Ain’t that just the way it goes sometimes…???

Here’s the ARTZ---


"Does the Center Hold?" by RFY (HF) & FEH

does the center hold (peg).jpg

[Liner pen, crayon, rub-ons, and sticker collage on reclaimed paper with digital embellishments and minor color manipulation.] Fully engaged in the material question of existence vs thought, the creatures' quorum debates the purpose and usefulness of human consciousness. Then comes the larger question: "How can it be stopped?" ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool) & Felicity Echo Hanson

Tags: art, drawings, collage, mixedmedia, weird, nfts, cryptoart, cartoons



NEW KRYPTO KICKS - Series 01, #07 - "Technology Quiz"

new krypto kicks - 007 - technology quiz (peg).jpg

[Digital drawing over photograph of an obsolete technology!]

Do YOU know what that weird, little piece of software is? It's called a "mini-disc," and it was used for storing and playing music---for a while. DESPITE the fact that the very disc sitting on that table was nearly 25 years old, it still played crystal clear!!! Ain't that wonderful???

Tags: art, photography, technology, music, digitalart, digitaldrawings, humor, weird, nfts, tradingcards, collectibles



"Texture" by Richard F. Yates (HF)

texture (peg).jpg

[Liner pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.]

Contemplating the situation, Sid decides this conundrum requires finesse...and a little bit of TEXTURE!



Tomorrow is gonna be a busy day (we’re taking our younger daughter to Portland to go shopping for her wedding dress), and Sunday we’re going to Rose City Comic Con, so I’m not sure when my next post is going to arrive… Maybe Monday? (I started working on a radio show today, but just wasn’t feeling it, so I decided to watch some monster movies instead. Great stuff!)

Until then...whenever then turns out to be...keep watching the skies!!!

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

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