Digital art, monsters, gods, dreams. Artwork on NFT Showroom and HEN

Digital art, monsters, gods, dreams. Artwork on NFT Showroom and HEN

More scary baconian artwork inspired for the dreams of artificial networks and composed and enchanted with digital drawing.

I also decided to make a small present for the @nftshowroom users by minting one of my works here for incredibly low price.
In my NFT Showroom gallery, you will find the

"Picasso bull"
A work inspired by Picasso's abstract bull drawings, dreamed by VQGAN+CLIP Networks, enhanced with deep dreams and finished with human touch.


Available in 3/3 editions for only 3 Hive


In main main Alien account at HEN I have some more works to show off with!
They are almost fully sold out, but I believe you can find a piece or two.

The three pieces I will present are created using 3 different AI technologies, digital manipulation and drawing.

They are made to stay together and present the 3 gods of the baconian monstrous universe of my artworks.

⎛ಊ ⎠

⎛௵ ⎠

⎛෴ ⎠

Three gods to keep the doors, three of them closing the cracks and saving us all.

The rulers of the baconian mosnters!

Triptych is created with 3 different GANs and a lot of digital drawing.

You can find them on my V.M.Smith HEN account

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