The Art Gallery


Art is so much more than what we see. Every artwork is a part of the artist, a message, a feeling, a mystery, expressed in a unique way that nobody else could have done the same way.

I present to you my latest painting for my "Tangled" series on NFTShowroom!

I just love this series! I love telling those little stories through shapes and colors, that are all connected and correlated.
I start drawing and watch characters evolve in the process and they tell me their story while I'm working on the picture <3


The first picture is a photo of my original sketch, pen on paper, and on the right you can see my finished outlining.
I actually didn't change a lot when I turned the analog sketch into a digital drawing. I only adjusted the format slightly and added some details in the process.

This time I finally managed to film my creation process!
(At least parts of it ^^)
The first 30 seconds of the video below are me outlining the sketch, after that you can see me playing around with colors, trying to find the best combination :)

Please let me know if videos like this are interesting for you, I really don't know how exciting it is to watch me drawing lines and filling shapes with colors ^^
Maybe I can film the actual process of designing a "Tangled" painting one day, making the first sketch, that could also be fun :)
Oh, and I need to find out how to put music in a video ^^

Below you can see some more screenshots of the process.
After I had found the right color combination I drew some little sleepy characters in the paintings in the staircase (lots of space for interpretation ;)
I then experimented with the thickness of the outlining, I had the feeling it should be a bit "bolder".

Experimenting actually takes a lot of time, I try out a lot of ideas for little details until I settle for the one that suits the painting best in my eyes. Sometimes I have to let the picture sit for hours or even days during this process to be able to look at it with fresh eyes after a while :)


In the end I added a very subtle drop shadow to the contour.
This is something I have never done before, so this felt a bit like a breakthrough ^^ It's the little things that represent the progress, right?

Below you can see a detail of the painting with and without the drop shadow. It gives the painting a little more depth :)


If you're interested you can find three editions of "The Art Gallery" in my art gallery on NFTShowroom:


Links to my art on other platforms in my LinkTree:

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