That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime


That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime is an Isekai Anime that aired its first season in October 2018 that time Isekai Anime which translates to an Anime that revolves around a person who is transported to another world and has now to survive in that world was all the craze of the Anime World. I believe there was one Isekai Anime released every single day at one point so you can guess why this Anime sounded like another Simple Template of Isekai Anime. But thankfully I was wrong. Currently, the anime is comprised of 2 Seasons of which the 2nd Season is still ongoing.

To be honest, the only reason I watched the first season of this Anime is that I had time to kill and I was not that choosy but thanks to that I can now say for sure that this Anime is slowly developing into an awesome Anime that I can recommend other guys. Just about an hour ago Season 2 Part 2 of the same Anime dropped and I have already watched the entire episode and I am loving the way the Anime is progressing.

A part of me also feels like this Anime was made due to all the hype of Isekai Anime in 2018 but somehow this got a lot of traction and sales so they decided to complete the Anime fully. But I have to say that even though this Anime is a little Childish I love the way each and every character in this Anime is developing and coming all the way to help our Protagonist of the Anime Rimuru the Slime.


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