"The Itsy Bitsy Spikey Spider"

Hello πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€— to all the Hivers out there on this very wonderful Friday night !
Well, I have found more Spiders in my yard to show and share with all of you. Im thankful that there are spiders around cause they do help control the insect population. And they are cool 😎 to look at and just watch them go about their day, surviving in their webs. πŸ•·οΈπŸ•ΈοΈ
My photos today are of some of the "Spiny Hard Shelled Crab" spiders. How ever its not really a crab spider. Its an orb spider. There's so many different colors to these guys. They can be white with black dots, orange, red, yellow and all with black dots. Most of these are females, where as the males are much smaller, don't spin webs and die soon after mating.
These spiders are known by many names, all relating back to the spines or horns on the shell of this spider. These guys are found in warmer more tropical areas. Best part is, they are not toxic to humans !

This next photo is of an orange colored orb

This is a red one, but its the underside of her.

This is the nest that the female has layed her eggs in. There can be up to 200 eggs in each laying. An amazing thing is that they not only have green colored silk, but they can make their hives white to help camouflage and protect her brood.

Look at the upper left of the pic. Notice all the tiny dots . That is a newly hatched brood. They all stay rather close to each other and even share webbing together.

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