New Piece on Sale at MakersPlace

Here's a preview of my new piece for sale now on MakersPlace. You can check out the full animation there.

I sold my first piece on MakersPlace the other day for .4 ETH(~$96). but MakersPlace takes 15%. We really need to get a piece of that action on Hive people. I know Hive Engine's got something happening with NFT's although I haven't looked much into it, but whether it's that, or we just use Ethereum, but pair it with a Hive Frontend, it seems like these two things would go together really well.


The piece I sold

At some point I do want to create a separate frontend for OCA, and I think having something like this integrated and easy would be amazing. Any devs wanna partner with me on that? Hit me up if you're interested.

Anyway, anytime I use any blockchain app, I'm always comparing it to Hive. What are they doing right or wrong, what can we learn from them. I think with MakersPlace what they've successfully done is made their UX pretty idiot proof. The parts that might be challenging for a total noob are outside their experience. ie Downloading MetaMask, selling the ETH. But you can connect a Coinbase wallet directly to your account there, so I think that's about as easy as possible currently.

All the blockchain stuff is happening totally behind the scenes. I don't think it's particularly necessary for a user there to know anything about blockchain other than this thing they receive is worth money and they can sell it on Coinbase.

I think this is what we can learn from them. We're too focused on our blockchain. Nobody cares about that. People just care about a useful app or service. That needs to be the focus. What opportunities can we offer you. What services. Unfortunately I think the masses don't value enough their privacy or the concept of ownership or censorship resistance. I feel like we've come to a place where people don't like to market this place as a place to earn money, but at the end of the day, that's a huge value proposition.

One of the reasons I've always been such a huge advocate for tipping is because I think if Hive ever catches on, tipping will be the MAIN way people reward content, and upvotes will be more exclusive. Why? Because if Hive catches on the barrier to entry to be able to give meaningful upvotes will be too high. Honestly it's already too high. Don't get me wrong, it SHOULD be high, but in order for this to be a platform that can actually sustain people, it can't all be coming from the Hive reward pool.

I think SMT's can also ease the stress on Hive as well as long as they're implemented in a smart way.(They're easy to create, set parameters, and integrate into a Community) Then an individual Community might not care as much about Hive if their Community/Dapp token has decent value. These things need to work in conjunction with tips and be very easy to use/buy so that the blockchain and technical stuff can fade out into the background and people can focus on coming here and consuming or creating content.

This really turned into a UX post, but whatev. Check out my store on MakersPlace!

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