Finally on MakersPlace :D Follow Me!

Well after close to a month of technical difficulties, I've finally got my store up on MakersPlace and I've been minting away. So far I've mainly done old work, but I did update one piece that before I'd only done a still of.


Even the old stuff I'm putting on there I pretty much have to across the board redo some aspect of, typically just the rendering. There I need to make everything really hi-res, but typically when preparing content for Hive that's not really necessary. Some things I'm looking at possibly minting I see now, I don't even have all the assets to recreate them. Sometimes I'm a bit too messy with my files and a texture or two goes missing. Oh well.

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The gif I'm sharing here now is a preview of the first animation I've created exclusively for MakersPlace. It's based off an old still I created a while back, but I added a few bells and whistles and made it a loopable animation. Check it out here to see the full animation

Really wishing I'd gotten on these platforms sooner and had been building a following. I have that, "Ugh, gotta start from the bottom" feeling. I had no idea the amount of money some were making. Seen several pieces sold for 10 ETH or more! Can I get some of that oh please ETH whales??? Hehe, we'll see what happens.

It's a bit different for me because typically I don't really categorize what I do as that sort of art, like hang in a gallery type of art. I've also never really tried to create that sort of art for the most part. It should be fun to dabble into.

Wish me luck in my hunt for ETH whales and check out the store. Also if you're on MakersPlace do me a favor and give me a follow. If you see some art you like, like it! :D

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