

Artvatars is live and it's been several months in the making. I was fortunate enough to be chosen by MantaXR, one of the biggest collectors in the scene to participate in this huge collaborative project. The basic idea is that 65 different artists created 1-2 pieces following a template we'd all received. Here's my other piece...


Then Manta and his team used a proprietary AI algorithm to cut the pieces up and randomly mix and match them together to create unique works. Here's a few examples

Really like this one and it features two of my elements :)

With the different pieces from all the artists, you could make millions of combinations, but the project is capped at 20k with the price increasing by .15 ETH at every 5k sold.

On the launch day, after some technical hiccups, we blasted through the first tier in a couple hours selling 5k Artvatars and the project netting about 2 million in the first 24hrs. Nuts!

Things slowed down dramatically after the first tier and now we just crossed 1k sales into the second tier. At the time of me writing this, the project has just under 10 days to finish then whatever hasn't been bought will just be burnt. Sould be an interesting 10 days. I suppose things could just peter out, but this is crypto and you never know. Elon Musk buys an Artvatar and the whole world explodes.

There's a lot of levels to the Artvatars. There is the artists that contributed to a piece which if you have a favorite artist, that can be valuable to some, then each one has a rarity level from Common to Mythic. It's based on the artists involved recent sales, so in the company of the artists involved in this project, I'm on the common side lol, but there are people that are into that, then of course there's just the pure aesthetics and some people only care about that.

Just being real, some of them are pretty fugly haha. It is what it is, so it's a dice roll what you're going to get because you can't see what Artvatar you're going to get when you buy it. I think that might be contributing to the slow down of sales, because there's already an active secondary market, so if you want to choose one vs rolling the dice you already can, and if all you care about is aesthetics, you can find plenty that look awesome, but have common rarity level. Whatever, the project has already been a huge success and whatever happens from this point happens. It's currently the third largest NFT project of all time and there's still 10 days left so we'll see what happens.

You can head over to if you want to pick one up. The current tier is .3 ETH. I've already seen secondary sales over 1 ETH, so you never know. Market took a huge dump, so maybe looking at some art will make you feel better 🤣. See you all in the next post.

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