Portrait Of The Unknown | Acrylic Painting

Portrait Of The Unknown.jpg

Portrait Of The Unknown
Acrylic on canvas
46 x 39.5 cm

I'm glad to share you one of the two paintings that I've recently finished. They took a lot of my time as I also got the depressed month last month because I got too anxious about finishing them but here's the first one!

I have used the acrylic paints that I have bought and I love them! I'm not trying to make it like an oil paint and I'm currently loving my style with it as well.

Here's a video of me putting paint over the face.

I know you're wondering about why I did it. I did it because I'm gonna put an AR (Augmented Reality) overlay for the work which will reveal the face when you view it thru it.

I think it makes the work more interesting.


I will also ship this to France soon. Do you have any idea how long shipping takes from Southeast Asia to Europe? Was also thinking if I should ship it through air or sea. I need to go to DHL soon.

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