Wednesday Walk - 10 Hive for some extra fun! hehehehe

Well, I got inspired to do something fun today! Since @tattoodjay and @elizacheng decided to collaborate each week and bring the fun and smiles - I thought I would boost up the fun too! hehehe

So this Wednesday walk happened on Wednesday- but the prize will be on Friday (so we can see who can guess and be rewarded) hehehe

So - I didn't get to go far for my walk today. But thankfully I got a nice workout in! I stayed very very near my house hehehe as you will see in the pictures! And the fun is....

You can guess what the pictures are! hehehe
They are closeups for now - but in the reveal post - I'll have the full pics and answers!

Whoever is the first to guess ALL the answers right (or I guess most) will win 10 Hive. hehehe Is that fun? I hope so!! LOL

Ok here we go!

First pic - Look at this ... what does this look like? These are all going to be things that I'm thankful for hehehe I won't go into detail now - I'll save the full explanation for tomorrow's post - but... maybe just a few clues :)

This first one... hehehe for those that know me - they'll know why I love this! I have LOTS of these - but this one??? my favorite!!! maybe hard to guess this one - but try! :)


Hmmmm not sure if you'll get this one without a clue.
but maybe check Bath and Body Works hehehehe gotta guess the EXACT ONE :) I've been looking for this for a while - and I think I finally found the one that makes me happy! :)


Ok- how about this one??? Is this easy? or hard! I'm super thankful for this! I didn't buy this myself. It was a gift from my sister and I LOVE it. It is one of the best on the market and it's so nice - it doesn't make me want to pull my hair out hahahahaha hint hint.


This one??? Who knows this texture! This is what enabled me to stay near my house today! hehehe and still meet the qualifications for this post! hehehehe Get it??? Figure it out??? :)


ok theeeeeeeeeeeese! These are SO making me happy these days. For ONCE - for onnnnnnnce!!! I haven't killed all my plants! I almost destroyed the WHOLE garden on my patio - but then? I turned a corner and they are all thriving REALLY REALLY well! So - since you can tell they are plants - I thought - how about a guessing game of what KIND they are. You should be able to tell by little clues with the leaves and... other things hehehe Good luck! Go left to right - and tell me what they are :)


Last one - I'm very very thankful for this!!!! Every year - it is ABUNDANT AND FREE! and you just can't beat that!!! :) It's a closeup -but - you should be able to make a pretty good guess what it is hehehehe Ready???


Well - there you have it! I hope that you are good guessers! hehehe The first one that guesses the most correct answers (and the ones that are CLOSEST to the correct answer if they're not EXACTLY right) will win 10 hive hehehe

Answers will come tomorrow :) Thanks for coming to Wednesday Walk - if you haven't done a post for it yet - join next week! Its a great community! and now its merged with Make Me Smile too!! hehehe

all photos by me :)

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