Phoenix - chapter 39 - Swan Valley




Tanya enjoyed sitting next to Pronghorn. He was generous and kind, always offering her a piece of pizza for every one he took. At last, Tanya had to realize she would make herself sick if she tried to keep up with his hearty appetite.

“You are lucky you do not get fat!” she said merrily.

“I’m sure you would still look beautiful if you did,” he replied.

Tanya felt herself blushing.

“But you’d better have a piece of chocolate tonight!” he insisted. “Which one is your favorite?”

“I like ones with fruit in them… raspberry cremes, orange cremes, the cherry alcoholic ones.” Tanya chose a piece in the middle – rounded and dark.

“No!” he cried in mock horror.

“Yes! I also like the Turkish Delight ones that a British friend sent to me once. Those are amazing!” She took a bite to find that it had caramel and a hazelnut inside. It was yummy, though not her favorite.

“Do you mind if I take a gamble?” Pronghorn asked.

“Sure! I mustn’t eat all of it!”

“I should like to try this Turkish Delight. I seem to remember the delicacy turning up in “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” if I’m right.”

“Yes! I love that book! We had to watch the movie in school.”

“Me too!” Pronghorn replied. “So, I figured that anything that good must be worth trying!”

“That was my thinking as well,” Tanya replied. “And I was right! Maybe we should see if we can order some – just so you can try it!”

“I like that idea!”

His hand held hers between their thighs. They continued watching the movie and Tanya thought about Pronghorn more than she thought about the movie. He was very handsome, slightly taller and thinner than Sage Eagle and Jade Wolf. He wore his hair in the same bun that most of the men wore their long hair in. His eyes were the same color of the darkest chocolate.

She wanted to rest her head against his shoulder, but worried that it might seem too forward when she didn’t even know what she wanted.

As the second movie began, there was a distinct popping noise in the kitchen followed by the unmistakable smell of popcorn.

Dancing Bear soon brought out a massive bowl of popcorn, buttered and salted. “I have to go and see Nighthawk,” she explained. “Enjoy yourselves.”

Tanya felt a surge of panic, being left alone with this very handsome man. How dare Dancing Bear do this at the beginning of a romance?!

Despite the fact that she wasn’t hungry anymore, Tanya still managed to munch through a lot of the popcorn. Maybe it was nerves.

Tanya looked at Pronghorn a few times as the movie progressed. She wasn’t sure what his opinion was of this classic. He seemed interested though. He caught her gaze and smiled.

He put his arm around her and pulled her close to his warm body.

She looked at him again a few minutes later and was surprised to see that he was still looking at her. He reached her cheek and stroked it, then pressed his lips against hers. She met the second one more eagerly, but felt bad that it was still Sage Eagle’s face that came to her mind when she closed her eyes.

“I’ve heard it said that one can tell something about compatibility from taste,” he said. “If you would allow me.”

He kissed her again, this time his tongue asking for permission.

Tanya parted her lips in acceptance and felt his musky tongue explore her mouth. Strangely, however, she didn’t like his taste. She felt disappointed at the knowledge, especially if he was right about compatibility.

“Tell me the truth,” he requested. “Did you like my flavor?”

“Not so much,” she replied. “I’m sorry. I wanted to.”

“Yeah. Me too. But we can still finish our night together, do you think?”

“Yes. I do like you.”

“Me too. But we are not meant to become lovers.” He kept his arm around her and held her close. “Who do you dream of? I won’t say anything if you don’t want me to.”

Tanya felt her face cloud over. “Jade Wolf likes me, but I’m told I should not fall for him.”

“No. I would not recommend him for anyone that I like.”

“I haven’t met very many people yet – not more than a friendly greeting over the dinner table, anyway.”

“What about Sage Eagle?” he pried.

She felt her cheeks flush. “He doesn’t like me. I messed up and offended him. He won’t forgive me.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, I truly am,” Pronghorn replied. “He obviously caught your eye though. He’s a good one, for sure… my best friend. But I’m sure you have heard the story about Star.”

“Yes. I am sad about that. That would be something hard to get over.”

“Yes,” Pronghorn answered. “I’m not supposed to tell you this, but after you ask Nighthawk for permission to stay – he will grant it, you know – we’re building you the first earthship. I suggest you hang out with us while we work. Maybe Sage Eagle will decide to give you a chance when he sees you’re determined to stay with us.”

“How can I have the first earthship?! There are many who deserve it more.”

“But there aren’t any who need it more right now. That’s how we determine things – not on merit. Be a gracious receiver – that will mean a lot to everyone. You can pay back later – through your own generosity in the future. Pay it forward, as you will.”

“Okay,” Tanya replied, feeling overwhelmed at the news. She would have her own earthship! All she had to do was to ask Nighthawk for permission to stay in Ba’a O’ng. And face Sage Eagle’s hostility towards her.

“I’m going to go home,” Pronghorn said. “I enjoyed my evening with you.”

“I, as well,” Tanya replied. “I would walk you to the door if I could.”

“You stay off your foot. We want it completely better.” He kissed her again, but this time, it was more like a sister or a best friend. “We aren’t meant to be lovers, but I will help you catch the one you’re meant to love.”

“Thank you,” she replied gratefully. “I don’t want to mess up in that area again.”

“You won’t. You have to trust yourself. And stay away from Jade Wolf.”

“I will,” Tanya replied, watching him go. She felt a strange combination of elation and depression as he left. She had a new friend, but not a lover. Rather, she was being directed back to the man who had already spurned her.


Next chapter...

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Character Info and Notes

Available to purchase at Books2Read. Print version will be available soon.

THANK YOU to everyone who has purchased one of my books. I appreciate every single one!

Image Credits

Genesis 8.1 by DAZ 3D Studio
Summer Dress by Pusey Designs
Mitsu Hair
Dice Earrings by Fisty
Sage Eagle
Genesis 8.1
Mada TnC Jeans by DAZ
Gypsy Shirt by Pusey Designs
PH Classic Hair
Housecat by HiveWire
Room4 by SmidA

Previous Swan Valley Stories:

  • Native Concession either in ebook form or [print]( . (June 2014, approximately 9 months before Phoenix.)


Swan Valley is a fictitious American Indian reservation located in the Great Divide Basin of Wyoming, USA. The Neme'o'ng (Swan People) are based on the idea of blending the Shoshoni and Arapaho peoples - as might have happened if they were stranded in a desolate area as a small band of misfits. I have developed their language from the same ideas.

Please read my note on romance, teenage intimate relationships and underage sex. I apologize if my understanding conflicts with your sense of morality, but I'm only looking at things realistically, not ideologically. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing!

Writing and artwork copyright myself 2005-2105 – all rights reserved.
If you are interested in helping me publish these works, please contact me on Facebook or Discord, viking-ventures#2883.

Lori Svensen
author/designer at A'mara Books
photographer/graphic artist for Viking Visual
(Buy my work at RedBubble, TeePublic, PicFair and DeviantArt.)
verified author on Goodreads
(Buy my books at Books2Read and at LBRY)
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