A delicious biscuit cake with coffee cream

Hello community today in my work I was surprised with a biscuit cake with coffee. This cake is made with soluble coffee very good was to eat and cry for friends as they say.
the lady who cleans us at work had this generous attitude of treating us with this sweet to top it off with biscuit cake with coffee cream and then eating at the same time you drink a nice Delta brand coffee until the afternoon it was different it soon had another flavor.
Cookie Cake Recipe with Coffee:

4 eggs but only the yolks
125 gr good butter
250 gr powdered sugar
2 packages Maria's biscuit that is very well known in Portugal
verca from 1 cup to 2 cups of very strong coffee
q.b. grated coconut to sprinkle for those who like it or don't put it.


How to prepare this delicious biscuit and coffee:

First let's get started and make a cup of strong enough coffee to soak the biscuits so it has to be a big cup. Let it cool.
Then beat the yolks, sugar and butter together until the mixture is creamy.

Then pass the cookies, one by one, through the coffee, not very hot at the moment.
Then we layer this cake layer by layer like this:
Place a first layer of biscuits on a plate, it looks beautiful in the shape of a flower, then smear it with a layer of cream.
Then, put another layer of biscuits soaked in coffee and then spread with the cream, and so on.
Finally, the whole cake is finally spread on the outside and sprinkled with grated coconut for those who like coconut.
And we finish by storing it in the fridge.



Hello community, I'm Ricardo Estrela, I'm from Portugal and I love coffee and you make traditional coffee at my house and see that morning smell and aroma of coffee made by us.
I'm a big fan of hive and peakd although I'm still taking my first steps in this world of posts.
I hope you like it and I'm always trying to improve.Thank you for accepting me in your community.

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