Workout diary 20210811


I don't wanna make another excuse, skipping workout due to office work. I think I had previously abuse the usage of office work as escape to NOT doing my workout. Now, the #freeletics coach session even allow me to adapt the session I wanted. Despite it's going to be late, but I can still find time to do a short workout. So I did with the coach adaption module and got myself a short 10 minute training.


I think my sleeping routine had finally come back to normal. Now, I can quickly fall asleep when I go to bed. The vaccine had cause me some irregulated sleeping routine for the past few weeks, as a result, I don't feel too good especially had to wake up 4am in the morning. I know I can make use of that time to workout, but again, the body just isn't getting enough rest and my muscle weren't able to relax. I felt like a zombie most of the time(err... I don't really know how zombie feels like. I'm just saying).

Anyway, I was just saying I have never realized from my house, opened my window and I'll be able to see Genting resorts. Seriously, I miss that place. It's been like couple of years since we last visited that place. How I wish we have a chance to take a short vacation again.

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