Smile, laugh, worry...😊😀😧

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According to the research of a British medical school-

'A child smiles an average of 400 to 500 times a day. But when you become a grown-up, this smile will disappear in a day decrease to 15 to 20 times.'

People who laughed so well when they were young. The reason we lose our laughter with the loss of joy in life. Anxiety and worry about the future that comes from experience. It is said to be so.


But among the things that human beings are worried about, How many of them have validity?

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, in an article titled 'Useless Worry'
Here's what it says:

'Among all our worries,
40% worry about an event that will never happen,
30% of worries about events that have already happened,
Worrying about the little things, not worrying about it, 22%,
4% are concerned about events that we cannot change;
And about events we can change
Worry is 4%.'

Although it varies from person to person,
What you really need to worry about is that it's only around 4%. However, because 96% of people worry about unnecessary. Losing joy, laughter, and peace of mind is that living?


How many times a day do you laugh? If you don't smile too much, the smile muscles on your face deteriorate. Smiling faces become awkward. Every time, on a face that hardened with a look of tribulation. It's really awkward even with a smiling face.

If possible, with a smile, a bright face and a face. I wish I was older. Whether you are a man or a woman, you need to look in the mirror often.

Any man can find many reasons to be happy and he can be happy with them very comfortably, but such reasons are very few by which you can be happy for a long time.

"You can't postpone happiness for the future, you can design happiness for the present," this statement has been said by America's famous motivational speaker "Jim Rohn".

Every person wants happiness in his life, he keeps on looking for happiness somewhere in life, whatever work we do or whatever we want to do in future, we find happiness in it, in a way, happiness is our Life is meant to be lived.

Because there is no happiness in our life, then we cannot do anything good and we will not be able to walk very far.

Friends, there's not always an equivalent time in everyone's life, it varies consistent with the condition, it happens to everyone, when a person lives in his blast , he eats well, drinks and thinks to do good. Time remains positive.

But when he faces any problem, at that time he is not able to think about what is good and what is positive, and at that time he does not know if he does something wrong, but later he realizes that there is nothing wrong with him. Somewhere wrong has happened.

I will give you only one advice, no matter what the time, you should always be self-confident, fight with your problems and overcome them, so that you sit tired of defeat.

This is the nature of us people, whenever there are problems in our life, then we humans focus on all those problems, how did it happen, why did it happen, not how will this problem be solved on their solutions.


That's why I would advise you that you should not focus on your problem but focus on their solution.

can you see warmth and a smile and comfort on your face? I hope To do that, worry about useless thoughts. I have to consider better ideas.

Thank you and Have a Great Day 😊🙏

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