Are you willing to fight for humanity?

Ask yourself this: In a day and age where propaganda runs rampant, what chances do the masses have to avoid succumbing to a type of weaponized information that's hell-bent on reducing the population? Most people don't have a lot of time on their hands. They live inside of a matrix of work, news and information, and celebrity gossip.

So after working that 9-5, if you're lucky enough to get a shift like that, you come home, make dinner, and hopefully, you have time to kick back for a couple of hours of TV before you hit the sheets and do it all over again tomorrow. For many, there is not enough time to study or research the pre-chewed and lifeless information that gets spewed out via the television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the like.

I'm sure that we can either all imagine this or are presently living this scenario out in our waking lives. But what about the people who have the time, insight, and discernment. What if there is a mass-culling operation afoot? What if the lives of many good men, women, and children are under active threat of termination?

Is it their fault for being uninformed and brainwashed? Do we have a personal responsibility to warn them by utilizing the best and most effective tactics at our disposal? Ask yourself this, which of your friends, loved ones, or family are you willing to lose in the next few years, only to prove that you were right and they should have listened?

Personally speaking, I don't want to lose anybody. Not friends, not family, not people from my past either. Hell, I don't even want to lose any enemies if they are friends of humanity and aren't delusional pawns of the wicked game that's getting played against us now. And this is why I'm sharing this video with you today (at the bottom of this post).

I'm sure you are familiar with Alex Jones, he gets a lot of shit from the establishment mainstream media, and it's because, for the most part, he's doing what they should be. Unlike the news, Jones doesn't pretend to be an android without biases. Hell, even the mainstream media has dropped that facade in favor of appealing to people's emotions.

Alex Jones in 'Waking Life'

Some people don't like when Alex Jones gets emotional. They think that it's a fallacious way to communicate. And that's fine because people can think whatever they want. But here's the thing history has taught us that words embedded with emotion are more effective at persuading people. And this is true for some people more than others.

It's true for me. I love when people are passionate and animated about the topics in which they speak. I think some of the best educators throughout history have demonstrated this ability. When I hear charismatic and passionate people talk, I do not immediately discard whatever it is they're saying. However, some do because they do not appreciate that style. But this is why I'm glad we live in a world with different kinds of communicators, as it'd be a crying shame if we all sounded the same.

A loving mother or father might raise their voice and speak out or even yell out to their child in a loud and booming voice not to touch the hot stove. Are they trying to persuade the child? Yes, they certainly are. They are actively persuading the child not to do something that is in their best interest not to do. I do not think this example of a verbal outburst is manipulative or wrong, especially if time is of the essence.

After all, sometimes it can only be a matter of seconds that makes up the difference between a scarring 3rd or 4th-degree burn and a lesson well learned. The lying mainstream media, on the other hand, is a different story entirely. Many times they will use emotional appeals in combination with unsound logic as an attempt to misguide people into making poor choices, and that's the dangerous part about emotional appeals.

Regardless of how you feel about emotional appeals, the truth of the matter is that it's an effective way of communication. However, one must have the discernment to try and suss whether someone is genuine or disingenuous with their emotional conveyances.

It's not an accident that AlexJonesWasRight has been trending on Twitter a lot lately. It's because many things he has warned about for years have come to pass, either that or we're watching it unfold in real-time. Jones knows that time is almost up for him, as he's a well-read student of history and sees the proverbial writing on the wall.

I think whether you love, hate, or are indifferent towards this man, you should listen to his latest Monday night emergency warning. In all the years I've been a listener of his, he's never put out an emergency warning on a Monday night, and this one is of great importance. We're talking about a life or death situation. And it could be the life or death of someone that you know and love.

Please take 42 minutes of your day to consider this warning, and then ask yourself again, Are you willing to fight for humanity?

Alex Jones' Monday Night Emergency Broadcast Message

Thanks for stopping bye!

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