Objective Truths of the McAfee Fiasco


I found this video that covers the last decade or so of John McAfee. It will give you the insight you need to make up a good opinion before this hot topic becomes spoken of everywhere.


Objective Truths About McAfee

  1. Spanish Authorities Claim McAfee Committed Suicide in his Cell hours after his ruling to be released to American Custody.
  2. McAfee has a Tattoo, shitcoin (cryptocurrency, altcoin), that says $WHACKD. This cryptocurrency was to raise awareness about his murder should be killed.
  3. He had uploaded videos for years about illusive people following him, he claims is the CIA or various government entities (deep state).
  4. He claimed to not be suicidal within a few months of his death.
  5. "I hacked the prison warden, I hacked the guards, I know everything about what happened to Epstein, I have it all" - John McAfee
  6. A Photo with the letter"Q" was posted to John McAfee's Instagram hours after his death

If you want to follow this, I'd recommend waiting for his wife to say something on Twitter. She is usually somewhat active in his social media drama, and I expect a response from her that will make a lot more sense than anything else put out shills and media.

Janice McAfee Twitter: https://twitter.com/theemrsmcafee

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