Falling Short - The Failures of Writing



Being writers, we find unique and amazing topics and present them to the billions using the internet. We strive to make it work the best way possible. Putting in hours and some even days to create just five-minutes of reading time material. We polish our work, present the subject without missing valuable information, and try to make it interesting.

And yet, most times we cannot attract views or a new audience. We are no celebrities, and we don’t have thousands of followers on our social media that genuinely follow us for our content.

We all have written articles we felt proud of. These articles may contain valuable information, and we present them with the best approach possible. Still, we find them always buried below the millions of daily articles published by established media and high-profile authors.

We always wonder if we have what it takes. Maybe the title and the description we went with were not SEO compatible, or perhaps the right people didn’t read it. It gets depressing when our work is constantly underappreciated.

But it gets even worse when we find our ideas used with a slightly different approach by high-profile content creators.

We had a great idea, presented it to the world, and it failed. But the same idea, with a slightly different approach to our story, becomes great content for the established content creators.

This is when we failed twice.


Numbers Matter More



Imagine writing in 2019 about the possibility of a virus pandemic spreading through the entire planet with nations entering prolonged lockdowns in panic.

That would be science fiction for 2019. And probably our article would attract a mere hundred views and a couple of likes. We are insignificant, and no matter the uniqueness and validity of our claims, this seems to be the only outcome.

Although, it can get worse. What if the same content was reproduced, in 2019 again, by a high-profile YouTuber with millions of subscribers?

That would cause concern then, since the internet doesn’t care for the content of someone with 200 followers but will respect the opinion of the social media influencers.

It is all that matters today, the numbers and not the quality. Not the originality of content, and not the information we bring.


A Popularity Contest Instead of Quality of Information



The same topic failed when we presented it since nobody bothered to read it, but only our strong fanbase. We have a small follower base, but we cherish it and aim to increase it.

However, even if we produce top-quality work, the rewards will almost always be leftovers. There is simply no recognition, no matter the importance and uniqueness of our work.

We all have presented great thoughts and they may have reached a few hundred views at Medium or other blogs, but rarely make it past this point.

And one morning, we find the same unique idea we covered previously, being replicated by a popular author at Medium. Slightly altered but containing a similar value in the distributed information.

This is how the internet works. Our articles mostly achieve low attention, but the same concepts presented by a popular content creator will reach tens of thousands of reads and appreciative comments.

The internet is simply giving us a middle finger right in front of our screen.

Telling us we had something there, but it didn’t really matter; someone else established and famous will always make it sound and look better.

I know I can’t professionally compete with anyone. I’m not even fluent in English and use various word processors to correct my grammar and vocabulary mistakes.

What I focus on is the details of subjects that I completely understand. This is barely the case with popular content creators. They just did a couple of hours of research on a few topics and are more focused on the presentation itself rather than the content.


Dealing with Failure



Probably many writers are having the same thoughts, so what are the options?

  • Realize we should quit.
    Why should we keep writing anyway? We have been doing nothing but giving new ideas to the popular content creators. They will grab parts of what we write and become heroes by presenting their new, unique and amazing content to the internet. They will get all the glory and all we are becoming is a just another source for their next content.

  • Continue what we do and pray for something to change.
    Hope that one day we will get recognition for our hundreds of articles and perhaps find a follower base we deserve. Maybe though, this is the top of our abilities. Maybe we lack the skills and the quality to grow beyond this point.

  • Keep creating content, but test new grounds.
    Probably the best approach would be this one. Keep exploring new grounds, new ideas, focus on bringing the top content possible, and focus on creating the best experience for the reader.


In conclusion



I am not going to bend and will never misinform my audience in my posts. While I am not creating video content I have still examined the approach of various video content creators and it is frequently dishonest towards the millions of their followers.

The interest shown by the most popular YouTubers towards educating their audience is superficial, and this becomes evident when we research the same topics in depth.

Even when we have already explored a topic and suddenly find a similar article or video by a popular personality, we will find a distorted view of the topic and too many valuable details will be omitted.

It becomes difficult to proceed and from what I've observed so far, the logic of exploiting Google's SEO algorithm has become more important than the content itself.


Originally published at Hive (Proof Of Brain)

Writing on the following networks:

Noise Cash - Read Cash - Hive - Medium - Vocal - Minds - Steemit - Den.Social - Publish0x

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