So do we have any sort of standards or is proofofbrain a total free for all? also downvotes...

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I thought it would be good to get some talk going on if proofofbrain has any standards or requirements for posting or if its a total free for all, I am interested to how people feel about this....

Being proofofbrain is a "general" tribe with no current clear direction its somewhat hard to set requirements - and does requirements mess with the free market valuation, do we need to let proofofbrain be a total free for all to find its true value or should shit content be muted?? its a bit of a dilemma ....

I will give an example - is content in foreign language acceptable? I have seen some content being posted by some users posting in two different languages, this I feel is fine and totally adds value.. I have on the other hand seen content posted in German with no english translation. How many German users do we have using the POB frontend? It may have been fantastic content, I have no idea....

I have downvoted a couple of posts just because I thought they were ultra low effort and brought nothing whatsoever to the table...

But I guess my main question hinges on the debate of pros and cons for downvotes..

Do we need some sort of guidance for direction and standards - or do we just let anything go, post a picture of a piece of dog poo if you like with no words - and if it gets upvotes its justified??

I am really conflicted about it too be honest.

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