Educating spoiled children

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Educating children is not an easy matter. Especially children with spoiled characters and are difficult to arrange. To educate requires patience and using a certain approach. Because many educators are confused about facing spoiled children.

A child psychologist and education named Michael Borba believes that in spoiled children, everything just spins on needs, feelings, desires, and everyone occupies the second position. You might be wondering, how to deal with a spoiled child? Can you educate spoiled children? Read this article until it's finished to find the solution.

Spoiled child signs

Before finding out how to educate spoiled children, know the signs if you are raising a child to be spoiled. By knowing these signs, you will be able to determine how to educate it right. Here are the signs you need to know.

  • Acting when his desire is not fulfilled
    All children may show disappointment when their wishes reject. However, spoiled children will usually be more difficult to accept if their desire is not fulfilled. Le Naya Smith, as a family psychologist said, that Tantrum was one of the expressions released by the spoiled when his desire was not fulfilled. Crawford also mentioned that, if it happens at any time and does not recede along with the age of the child, it can be an indication of their spoiled.

  • Have a selfish attitude
    Indeed, how to educate spoiled children must be extra patient, because they usually tend to be selfish. Spoiled children don't care about the inconvenience that people feel around it. Spoiled children think more about themselves than others. They feel they should get special attention from anyone.

  • Always want more
    Spoiled children usually have many types of favorite clothes and toys. Even so, they will never feel satisfied to have it. They will always want more. Spoiled children tend to respect what they have. Let alone be grateful for what they have, they want to get something new again.

  • Impatient
    How to educate spoiled children who are impatient indeed sometimes drain the emotions of their parents or educators. Spoiled children tend to have an impatient attitude. If you want something item, you must immediately. Many parents or educators easily give up and finally follow the will of the child.

  • Do not accept defeat
    Every child must feel unhappy when he gets defeat. However, in contrast to spoiled children who are more difficult to manage their disappearance when they get defeat. They usually blame others for their defeat. Their attitude is like that because he wants to always get praise for what they do.

  • Obey if you get a reward
    How to educate spoiled children is not easy, because usually, they will refuse when it is ordered to do something. They will refuse when they are told to brush their teeth, tidy up toys, or other. Usually, they will only obey when rewarded, either in the form of money or gifts. Without rewards, they will be reluctant to do what parents or educators commanded.

  • spoiled children are manipulative
    Spoiled children are good at using manipulative tactics to get approval for what they want. Spoiled children can do lies or fight sheep. This is because they don't like to blame and want it to always be considered right. Of course, this spoiled child's attitude is not good if it is continuously left.

How to educate spoiled children according to psychology

How to educate spoiled children does need knowledge and patience. Without knowledge and patience, surely parents and students feel like to give up. Based on psychology, there are certain ways to educate children who have spoiled properties. Here is how to educate spoiled children based on a psychological approach.

  1. Try not to follow every child's will
    Children do not understand what is a priority scale. They also have not been able to distinguish which needs and which are just desires. That is why they will whine if the request is not followed. Parents who can't stand by grinding their children choose shortcuts by obeying all children's requests.

    For ways to educate spoiled children, parents or educators do not obey every child's request. By always obeying child demand, it will make him spoiled. In addition, if you always obey the demand for children, then they will have difficulty controlling their desires.

  2. Advice as well as listening

    One of the important things that are often considered trivial by parents or educators, namely listening to child opinions. Parents often feel the most know that the opinion of the child is ignored. Parents or educators tend to want to advise without listening to children. There is no harm in listening to children's opinions because it is not always the opinion of the child wrong.

    Parents or educators can also learn from children. Willingness to listen to children will also make children comfortable and open to their parents. So, one of the ways to educate spoiled children is willing to listen to children's opinions, not just give advice. That way, communication between educators and children will be more familiar and comfortable.

  3. Make clear rules

    Parents or educators are sometimes reluctant to make clear rules for children. For example, by letting children play with a cellphone all day, sleep until late at night, or not remind him to clean up the toys finished playing. As a result, the child felt confused and decided to do what was fun.

    To prevent children from acting as they please, parents or educators should clear the rules. In addition, don't forget to set the consequences if the child violates the rule. Parents can also give an understanding of what if they do this bad thing. For example by conveying, if you often sleep late at night, it can result in health. This is a way to educate spoiled children who are important to apply.

  4. Generate in children confidence

    Increasing confidence in spoiled children is very important. If the child is confident, they will not feel free to make what he dreamed. Confidence in children will also make children better in facing competition when they are adults later. That's why it's important to increase confidence in children.

    Increasing child confidence is one way to educate spoiled children. The way is to provide support to children for the things they like. As long as it is positive, certainly not doing it wrong. It is precise as a parent, you alone will feel proud later.

  5. Advise through a good example

    Children are imitators, and they learn by imitating the people around them. So, the appropriate approach to educate children is through a good example. Sometimes parents consider advice or words just enough. In fact, besides going through advice, children also learn through other people's actions.

    How to educate spoiled children through an example is one of the right things. You can start by saying thank you when the child does a good thing, apologizing when the parents are late picking up, or a good language. This will be more effective than just giving advice.

Such is the way to educate spoiled children who can parents or educators apply. Indeed educating children is easy. Even so, children are the mandate of God who must be guarded and educated as well as possible. Hopefully, this article will be an additional knowledge of educating spoiled children for educators. Thank you for reading.

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