A funny thing happened while writing about the illusion of "The Rewards Pool"...lets meander, one last time.

As the title says, I was putting together the facts of the 'rewards pool' for my book (pamphlet more like), and it's 'illusory distribution' of hive tokens, the pretend ownership of your own inflation from stake , and the philosophical idiocy of 'the commons' concept that's often used in these parts.
In reality, it's a ‘code is law’ shield used to justify unethical behaviors - at best...
...Then I got sidetracked.

But that's ok... it can wait.

Why did I get sidetracked?

'The law of unintended consequences'.

This post is one of the 'unintended consequences' of me researching more material…
Seeing as my book won’t really allow for much in the way of emotional rants and mockery of evil (well, it does a little)... A Hive blog will suffice. Ya gotta love the blockchain, !

Where was I ?....

...Oh yeah , 'The Law of Unintended consequences'.


This post is to entertain the thinkers, embarrass the morons, and make the impotent feel even more powerless - and also give the reader a working example of 'The law of unintended consequences'...
....July is gonna be magical - literally.......

The Law of Unintended consequences.


The Law of Unintended Consequences occurs when a decision is made that unintentionally creates more problems than it solves.

Most people have seen this law in action, where one decision leads to other things happening , mostly as a result of not thinking things through properly at the initial decision making time.

Our worst decisions never feel like the poor decisions that they are , and these poor choices often lead to a 'the cure being worse than the poison' type of scenario, simply by trying to solve problems with a short-term perspective (often emotionally led).

It blinds you to considering the long term knock on effects - i.e An inability to see 'the bigger picture'.

Because we're all biased, we all filter information through these layers of bias, and , depending on levels of intelligence, we allow these filters to influence us in the decision making process, to greater , or lesser, extents.

We very much biased towards focusing our attention on something that is tangible. Something immediate - rather than thinking in terms of what is more of an abstract concept - future events being one of these...

This is where intelligence plays a large part - as the ability to conceptualize things in the future, is a more easily accessed tool with higher intelligence.

Consequences from poor decision making can often have negative compounding effects.
(As the Hive collective will soon discover).

As biological units - we are pretty abysmal at calculating what these compounding effects of bad decisions may be.

We do know that a state of fear makes for poor decision making.

When something is scary, immediate, and tangible - our biases kick in and interfere with the ability to judge a situation as accurately as we would in the absence of any fear.
Thinking through the longer term consequences of our actions can be intellectually taxing (especially if you're dumber than a bag of geologists).

When you're highly emotional about a subject - and dumber than a bag of geologists - you struggle to think through the consequences of actions.
(As opposed to being emotional and not dumber than a bag of geologists, where emotions may still be the driver of actions, the decisions are made logically and are thought through).

This decision process that protects ourselves from what scares us ' in the moment' , can often make us vulnerable to much worse scenario's in the future.

Using my account as the working example of this 'law', let's dig further....and have a laugh at idiocy ...

The midwit nasgul is scared of losing money (power) for example.
Fucking petrified in actual fact.

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The midwit fears losing wealth (power) and it ever being taken away from them.
Posts such as my own - and the topics that I write about ,
are seen as a threat to their power.
Bringing up questions that illustrates the uncomfortable truths of the DPoS flawed system instills that fear of loss .

Because it may reduce the value of their beloved token due to truth. Due to reality.
Their 'power' could be diminished from some truth or other coming into the open. And that scares them.

The fear based midwit nasgul may well make some very poor decisions based on immediate time frames only - without any consideration into 'looking long'.

Remember - the midwit nasgul is already living in place of fear - by default.
You cannot be a midwit nasgul and not be living in place of fear ( unless you happen to be a psychopath ).
*See my numerous post concerning 'psychology of fear' , 'midwttery', 'psychopathy', and 'authoritarianism'.

For example.
Azircon, smooth,ocdb,acidyo, altleft, onealpha - and others (same shitty behavior, different account names) have piled onto my posts that brought into question the DpoS system, the lack of ethics, the flawed 'code is law' concept, blah, blah , blah...


Their reactions to my posts is a stereotypical midwit reaction to a perceived threat. (and a very 'woke mob', commie, mentality).

The 'threat' they perceived that I posed, was the questioning of the hive cult , it's ideology, and - by extension - the future potential token price of hive...

ATTACK! ....

The really funny thing, is this ...

If my account did not come under such a sustained attack over this last few months...

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…I would have had a few rants (or thirty), and moved on...
You really, really, really, cannot fix stupid.

The reactions to my initial posts - and the subsequent three months of showing off to world the real personalities behind the accounts (the mask has slipped) , is the thing that really caught my attention.

Every single post continues to be attacked by 'the cabal' - to this very day.

The Hive cult mentality when it hears things that it doesn't like...Orwell called it 'wrong think'......

The unintended consequences of this fear driven behavior...

My increased commitment to truth and exposing disingenuous lies.

I will now be doing all in my power to destroy the hive cult mentality , it's putrid sycophantic ideology, and DPoS ever being touted as some kind of valid new concept of governance.
It's not.
It's a failed experiment...(Or is that a 'designed to fail' experiment ?).

I've started writing my book.

  • This being an example of unintended consequence of their decisions .
    ....a 'step by step' guide as it were. How to achieve the aims that I've set out above for myself.
    For others to use - or not, as they see fit.
    It's laughably simple...

Anything that comes back to bite 'them' from my book, will be a direct result of their own asinine , fear based actions...

This will be a living example of 'The law of Unintended Consequences'.

It will show how the Hive cabal chose to express their fear of losing power, their hatred of me , my posts and of me speaking my truths… and the consequences of those juvenile actions.


Dr. Frankenstein...

We all know about the story of Dr. Frankenstein, and the various messages it gives about society (if you do not know these things from the book - stop reading this and read that ).

The 'Dr. Hive collective' has indeed created it's own monster.
(from 'the woke mob' cabals perspective, anyways...).

It's called @lucylin.

Unfortunately for 'them' - I'm not like Mary Shelly's literary creation....

I've left the cult, and I no longer feel any loyalty to keeping the governance issues plaguing hive on the platform, quiet.
Why would I?

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I've...left...the ..cult.

I'm now playing my own game ....

My book is part of that new game.

'The dummies guide in how to dismantle authoritarian based DPoS ecosystems' - a step by step instruction manual.'

(title not decided, but you get the gist).

....unintended consequences...

14 conversations with various ‘media content producers’ (some of them crypto channels), who may well do a show about this - once that I've completed the book.
It's not gonna be a Russian novel – more of a very thick pamphlet – that’s all it will need.

....unintended consequences

3 conversations with....I'll leave the details out of that one, for now...It's a zinger!

Hive - you wanted exposure? ...

It's coming !...

Isn't ‘marketing with truth’, fun ?

I first saw hive as a flawed system ( and one that I initially thought could be fixed).
Seeing the recent actions of children with power have shown me - quite clearly - that this will never be the case.
It's an impossibility.
Or rather, an impossibility without the midwits first voluntarily giving up their power/money/stake ratio's ....Pssst...the midwit nasgul never gives away it's 'power'.

Actions - not words - have shown the DPoS system to be an 'evil' construct - and one that encourages 'evil' behaviors.

I'm intentionally framing it in this way, yet again (there other ways to frame it) - Others view points will be included in the book.
The different perspectives all reach the same destination.

DpoS is a system that encourages using power over intelligence.
Dpos is a system that favors - and encourages- ethically corrupt behaviors.
DpoS is NOT designed for openness and transparency - quite the opposite. (Intentionally ?)
DPoS is fundamentally flawed - and all the lipstick in the world won't change it from being a pig.

The far more interesting question for me now, is ...how long will it last before implosion ?
Barring any new 'innovative tech' happening - which is about as likely as the sun not coming up tomorrow - I see only one outcome...The time frame is yet to be known.

Oh yeah....Psssst…..Block chain is the innovation.

DPoS is something else entirely….

The 'purging of my account' is nothing but a symptom of a very weak governance structure.
I’m not the first to be attacked - and I certainly won’t be the last.
The system that's been created has to eat itself - it’s as predictable as the fiat dollar running to ‘0’ value.

'First they came for the truth tellers, then they came for the..'...You get the idea, I'm sure.

This is an integral part of this authoritarian controlled system - And seen throughout all authoritarian, dictatorial, regimes.

DPoS is not some radical and new model - It's not 'different' - it's old. And tired.
And very boring.

Philosophically speaking , I see Hive as an 'evil'.

  • evil being an action that attempts to limit freedoms of others who adhere to basic moral and ethical principles.

Pro philosophical tip:
If code ever trumps ethics - your code fucking sucks, and is inherently stupid.

(unless the intention was to build a totalitarian, fear based platform , of course - which is also really retarded).

In terms of being a social media platform - a 'text and image' medium ...limiting freedoms are any actions that negatively impacts those expressing their freedoms of expression.
Down voting in a malicious manner is one of those expressions.

Hive not only allows this – it actively encourages this type of behavior…
It's coded into the system !

Hive governance shows all the maturity of a 5 year old having a tantrum, not a legitimate business model based on freedom.
It's based on an authoritarian rule.
(See my 'stakeholder capitalism' post and Klaus Schwabs enthusiasm of it - it says everything. Hive is cut from the same cloth).

Hive is a platform based on 'stake holder power' - and by using that power in very authoritarian ways 'they' try and limit - control - the freedom of others peoples idea's, perspectives, experiences, and creativity ...
(the vibe is all very ' communistic', isn't it?).

Hive as a platform is not based on competence, merit, intelligence, or integrity.
Neither does it operate on the values that fall within the boundaries of what would constitute 'ethically sound practices'

... Hive is 'evil'.

It behooves those that are not complicit in evil to thwart it at every turn.(imo).
To abdicate personal responsibility from thwarting a recognized evil, is to be complicit in that evil.
Being a silent witness to observable wrongs, is being a coward.

...which is why I'm now writing a book...
It's a direct result of 'The Law of Unintended Consequences', of tyrannical behavior and low IQ, woke mob mentality and bullying - in dynamic action!

The 'not so magnificent seven’
Or rather - the ‘malignant seven’...

…okay, okay - seven isn’t an exact number...but mockery of the willing participants in evil is fun...And serves as the foundation of one of my chapters.


10 hive to the first person who answers the account names all correctly !
Don’t be scared !...That’s what they want from the serfs. Fear.
It excites them - like it does with all enthusiastic tyrants.

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Join the revolution?...

....What ...fucking ....revolution?

DPoS is NOT a revolution....it's a 'governance through fear' structure - where required obedience to 'the authority' is a recognized prerequisite for being rewarded for collecting your data .

And if you do not tow the hive party line, comrade?
You can go hungry! (and makes it not so very different than any other, non crpyto based , social media platforms).
Caveat: If you do obey the ruling elite and partake in 'the sycophancy game' - along with your unquestioning subservience and loyalty to your masters - you you to can be handsomely rewarded !!!.

Excuse me... I now need to go vomit.

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