Day Two Ecency to POB

Ecency has a secret in its server that it uses with Hive Signer. The Hive Signer usage happens behind the scenes (except for the part when the user actually logs in with Hive Signer).


The configured parameters are as follows:

export default {
    usePrivate: process.env.USE_PRIVATE || "0",    // "1" | "0"
    privateApiAddr: process.env.PRIVATE_API_ADDR || "",
    privateApiAuth: process.env.PRIVATE_API_AUTH || "privateapiauth",
    hsClientSecret: process.env.HIVESIGNER_CLIENT_SECRET || "hivesignerclientsecret",
    searchApiAddr: process.env.SEARCH_API_ADDR || "",
    searchApiToken: process.env.SEARCH_API_SECRET || "searchApiSecret",

I added one more. The user that Hive Signer knows us as:

    hsClientId: process.env.HIVESIGNER_CLIENT_ID || "",

Setting the environment variable HIVESIGNER_CLIENT_ID should set the app to what the variable is set to. I decided to just set it in the configuration file to "steemfiles" but I'm not going to commit it. I had to set HIVESIGNER_CLIENT_SECRET to a long string and store the same string over at the Hive Signer website as the APP_SECRET for @steemfiles.

After setting hsClientId to "steemfiles", I am able to login with either keys or Hive Signer. I need to replace the HIVE rewards and balances with POB. I still have to figure out how I need to set these "constants."

  "imageServer": "",
  "nwsServer": "wss://",

These two are other servers that interact with Proof of Brain.

3 columns
2 columns
1 column