The Difficulty of Focusing on the Goal - In the Streets of Recife, Brazil by @jsantana


Nowadays with so many distractions around us it is quite difficult to concentrate on accomplishing and finishing a task or focusing on a goal.

The technology helped us a lot (it's because of the technology that we're here at Hive, it's because of the technology that we're using cryptocurrencies), but technology also hinders us a lot in terms of productivity.

The smartphone, social networks, emails. These are perhaps our greatest enemies of productivity and concentration.

Anxiety, the "thirst" for information and the mad desire to see what people are sharing all make us lose focus, make us lose our "north".

It is necessary to try to look ahead, without being distracted by what is to our right or left.

Keeping focused and pursuing our goal in life is indeed possible, even in the face of so many technological pressures that take away from us the perception of what is most important.


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