Currency to buy Money.



Time is money but Money isn't time.

This tells that money can not buy time.

But the currency that can buy time is also Time.
But it's amazing how people tend to worship this so-called money than the currency that gets it.

How amazing how people buy cut time just to get this money.

I laugh at such people.

Every part of life is controlled within a range of time and to that fact, it has to happen at that time or period.

But at a point when one tends to be cut, it gets to a level in life when posterity will ask what you did to get to that level. But for the fact that you by cut your time you won't be able to answer such question.

At that point, Money will not be able to buy that time back since it can not be reversed.

Now some might not get exactly what I am trying to say.

Let's take, for example, a child who skipped nursery class straight into primary school. Just because the parent of that child has money and so they couldn't go with the principle of time and learning, forgetting that it is time that will teach the child not the money.

Now the child by cut the stage where he can learn alphabets and also learn how to write.

The child will get to a level in life when posterity will ask the child how did you learn how to read and now because the child didn't go through that stage it might be difficult for the person to give an appropriate answer to that question.

And at that stage, if you are not able to answer life will have to reverse you back to that stage and at that point, money will not be able to keep you in that level.
Always try to use time in life as it is a good currency to get you to a place where you will never regret it.

And also try as much as possible not to play when the time presents a season to your table else you won't get it again when it slips up your hand.

When you save your time you save your money but if you waste your time then your money is also prone to wastage.
As a popular say goes " Time is money."

Don't misuse the real money(Time) trying to get the money($).

It just came to my head and I decided to drop it here hope it will help someone.
Thanks for passing by.

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