the spectrum that awakens the spirit in the midst of the darkness of the universe

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Spectrum of encouragement in the midst of silence. I chose this word because it is like a real thing in life. When there is a spectrum in the midst of darkness, the light will illuminate and ignite the anger of encouragement in the midst of the darkness itself.

If we observe the meaning of writing one by one in the general public environment, most social communities have many things in them, good, bad and neutral into a single unit that is very difficult to separate. They interact in their own way. It is very difficult to unite their vision and mission. It is difficult to unite one voice, I describe this group of people as darkness in the universe that is difficult to solve problems without a lantern, light, even a spectrum that makes attention in the community to unite one voice and have one unity in life.

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Why do I say that?
Because if we just follow one current, follow the habits of society in general, we are no different like a vast void without any purpose and inspiration. We need some light to wake us up. We need a flash of energy that reminds us that life will be beautiful and vibrant if we are a part of that light.

We can be an encouragement and a differentiator in the midst of a society that is difficult to unite and unite. We can be an encouragement among an environment that emphasizes differences. Being meaningful is better than just going with the flow.

Don't underestimate yourself by not exploring the potential that exists, keep being the best in the midst of a society that lays on unity. We must be able to ignite their spirits. Awaken their souls the meaning of unity to realize solidarity between individuals. Stay motivated even though we know it's hard. Be confident because we know if not us who else and if not now when?

I am very happy to enter this contest. This spurs me to explore potential and ideas every week. Thanks to @calumam for choosing this word for this week's pobwotw , it's a great one

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