Is the proof is realy brain ?


All the pictures are taken from and edited by me!
All are free for commercial use and no attribution required!

I don't always express myself the way I really want because there are many resons you may know. That's why I will just write a little poem, even if it's not a professional one and it's not from a native speaker.

In case you want to know me better, read this post : A part of my life. In case you want to know what I did, read this : My way to Hive !.

Here is the poem I want to share, those are my feelings, emotions and some observations from me being on the blockchain almost 4 years :


Is the proof is really brain ? Or I'll feel a similar pain ?

I may see here the same game, but correct me if I'm vain !

Maybe this could change the chain and the evil may drain !

I do all my best to not stain but I can't afford what's insane.

One post of Mr.Wayne. Made me let go to all this rain !

I'm just a simple Jane. But, I wanted to jump on train !

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By Mr.Wayne I mean someone who wrote a very impressive post I can't tag because of same reasons. The rain means the rain of words I'm writing now. Jane is just a name of a regular human being !



If we are sure that the right thing will win in the end, we just have to wait for it and it will happen for sure. Because if it's not happening, the community will push forward it anyway. And those who weren't right will understand their mistakes in case they are mistaken and those who are right, they will just make sure they are in the right direction.



Even the system will be pushed to change for the best because in case it will not change, it will be just eliminated by competitors. That's the awesomeness of the free market, especially if it's really decentralized.


If the proof of brain was replaced with the proof of stake, maybe an other proof will apear soon, for example the proof of value !

I'm glad that the evolution never stopped and we still have people who worry about the brain because it's the best organ that should always develop !


That's why we should call the thinkers ''developers'' !

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