POB Marketing?


It could just be me but I haven't seen a lot of marketing activities for Hive in general since the split from Steemit. @arcange publishes very informative daily stats about Hive and here's a chart from his latest post on the number of monthly active users:


As you can see, the numbers have roughly hovered in the 30k range over the past year with the increased enthusiasm for all things crypto has brought us close to 50k monthly users. That's encouraging!

Strike while the iron is hot!


If you refer to the last bull run, from Oct 2017 - Dec 2017, look at how the numbers spiked up with everyone looking to get into crypto. Crypto is being mentioned more and more in the mainstream these days and you don't get funny looks when discussing it like even back in 2017.

So now, back to the 50,000. It is a drop in the ocean compared to the other major social media platforms. According to DataReportal, even the least popular of the social media platforms out there have 300 to 400 million active users.

For every Hive user, there are 6,000 to 8,000 users out there on Twitter and Reddit.


What can we do?

Myself, I'm going to take advantage of the social features on POB and start sharing posts I like on Twitter. Maybe Reddit as well if I can figure out communities that would be a good fit.

For a start, I shared leprechaun's Beginner's Guide To POB on Twitter.

I hope with the upcoming new UI, a welcome banner could pop up for new users / users who aren't logged in, explaining to them:

  • What is pob?
  • POB is free!
  • You can earn rewards for writing and curating posts you like

Most of the folks who come from outside of Hive would find it all a bit too complex so this helps to reduce the barrier of entry.

If we all start sharing our posts with a bit of an explainer on the different platforms out there, I'm sure we'll be able to attract significantly more users. Reflecting on how I joined Steemit back, my brother read some post about it on the BlackHatWorld forums in 2017 and told me about it.

I would never have joined if it had not been for that serendipitous event.

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