POB photocontest| Colorful mural

Hi everyone!

I have me here after reading the post of @brittandjosie. I have found it interesting to show photographs full of color, and coincidentally over the weekend I captured a wall with a lot of color.

I took the photograph because it seemed to me that it had a good angle so that the colors of the wall can be appreciated in conjunction with the blue of the sky and the green of the grass.
This wall is located in a plaza, which they have just built close to home. In addition to the colors, his face is painted with some important people in the history of my country.

Below I show you the photographs, I must let you know that I am not a professional photographer, I am a beginner so if you see something that is not right please let me know, I like it learn.


If you are interested in this contest, you still have the chance to participate, I leave the link with the rules here.

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