The Impact People Have On Your Life

So I have a colleague and her name is Ashley too.
We're known as the Double Trouble Terror Team because we can be super happy and joyful and also call you out your bs and be very strict with people (hey, it's a service job and peeps try to take advantage of stuff all the time so we need to set boundaries and keep enforcing them otherwise it just all goes downhill).

The Ashley's is another nickname we have.

And we love it.

We have become very very good friends that hang out outside of work and literally whatsapp eachother every day.

She is a big part of my life and I wouldn't want it any other way!

I just had a whatsapp convo with Ash about how we cannot imagine not being in each other's life anymore.

We started reminiscing about some of the funny stuff we have experienced together and I had a right good laugh about it all. When I laugh, I really cackle. I throw my head back and this loud laugh escapes my throat which is completely uncontrollable and my whole body shakes with laughter.
Just writing that sentence made me have a good giggle.

And it got me thinking about the impact people have on lives.
Of course the usual suspects (parents and partners) are what I have about more often but if I think about my friendships, it opens a whole new arena of amazing memories and paths in life that I have undertaken because of these wonderful people in my life (I have GREAT friends and I am blessed to have quite a few of them!).


They have impacted every single part of my life without me really knowing it.
From the way I dress to where I work to the things I say to ways I think.
It's super cool to think about.

I could go on and on about the ways my friends have impacted me but let's be honest, I'd still be writing this post tomorrow.

So let me ask you a question.

What impact has a friend or several friends had in your life?

Have a little think about it and let me know!

It made me really really happy to think about so maybe it'll have the same effect on you too!

I think it's a really cool topic to think about and who knows, maybe it'll make you appreciate your friends even more! ;)

Over and out,


Image made by me in Canva

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