1000 POB Staked! 🧠🥳

Whoop whoop!! Just hit 1000 POB staked. :)
I've actively been posting on POB for 2 months and have grown to really love the community. Y'all are such good eggs.


I saw that I was nearly going to hit 1000 so I decided to make it exactly 1000 POB staked. Hahaha


I will of course stake the rest of the POB that is liquid at the moment but I am just enjoying this lovely round number.

Next up 2000 POB staked! When do you think I'll reach it? :)

I am lucky to have gotten a delegation of 2500 POB from @proofofbrainio. Feels nice to support people by my now somewhat larger upvote!

Right, I know I've been a bit away this week but rest assured, I am here and I will be fully operational again next week. This week is rough and is kicking me in the butt. I cannot wait for it to be weekend and to enjoy a glass of wine whilst I soak my feet.
I barely drink alcohol so if this is how I feel I know that I am really worn out

Hope you are all well!

Over and out,


Don't forget to participate in POB Question Of The Week #5!

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