You believe in God ?

Do you believe that there is a supreme being who is in control of everything? I believe that we are passing through in this physical world and that there is a God who takes care of every detail and from heaven observes us attentively everything we do.


He knows all the pains and afflictions that we went through, and that nothing is simply hidden from him, he knows every detail of us, he knows perfectly the amount of hair we have, he knows what we are thinking today, he also knows what attitudes we will have to face some situation.

Why do some suffer more than others on earth? It is simple, nor did he, who was the sovereign whole, escape from the hands of the owner of the truth, capable of making decisions to end someone's life, why would we not suffer too?

Every day, he gives us the chance to start, to start over if necessary, he is sovereign, able to reverse the seasons, able to change what seems impossible in his eyes.

Regardless of any situation that we go through here on earth, in short, absolutely all of us at some point in our life have gone through trials, problems, tribulations, this is part of our life.

But we only face all these obstacles that life opposes, because we still believe in God and we know that we are not alone, and that he fights for us ... even though everyone may have abandoned you, he is still there supporting you.

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