Introducing Stuart's Veganic Allotments @CH1NODIG


Today I am sharing with you photos of my partner's Veganic Allotment in Chester. He has been working on the site since 2018 however he has been growing for many years.

Stuart follows the No Dig Methodology which helps to keep all the vital organisms in the soil in a stable condition, as well as maintaining a better nutrient balance throughout the growing season, one very useful benefit is there are fewer weeds!

Each year a new layer of compost is added on top of each bed. 70% of the compost used this year was produced on site with ambitions in the future of reaching 100%.

You can see how to start a new No Dig area in a previous post we did. 🍅🍅🍅 Creating A New No Dig Tomato Bed 🍅🍅🍅

As you can see from the photos, the allotment is rather large! In fact, it is around 5 allotment plots altogether.

I was hoping to follow the No Dig methodology myself so I can certainly learn a lot from this plot.

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I am going to share with you some of the beds as they currently are.

Allium Bed

The header image of the blog is the Allium bed. In the front, you have Sturon white onion
In the middle portion, you have spring onion Ischikrona and the last 1/3 of that bed is shallots Zebrune.

All Alliums varities have been grown from seed in this bed. Whereas the Onion bed further down are from Sets.

Lettuce & Beetroot Bed

Towards the back are the beetroot, there are 3 varieties of beets called Detroit // Burpees Golden / Boltardy

The front segment is Cut and Come again lettuce, with some Summer Purslane and Flashy Butteroak to fill in when the lettuce gets picked and eaten.


Potato Bed

There are two other Potato beds enough Potatoes to last us all year!


Onion Bed
These are a mix of Red & White Onion Sets


Carrot Bed
These are the Amsterdan Variety = D

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Parsnip Bed

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Strawberry Bed

These will be ready for picking soon!


Yellow Courgette Bed
These are called Gold Rush.

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Mainly Green Courgette Bed

The variety of courgette is called Black Beauty

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Sweetcorn, Beans and Squash
Sweetcorn in the first quadrant. Then 3 wigwams of climbing beans are a mix between Cobra/Barrlotti Beans. The squash are all a mix of Red Kuri and Meruhen.

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We will be sharing updates from both Stuart's Plots as well as Allotment24 in Denbigh throughout this growing season. So if you have anything you would like to see more of let us know. = D

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