Las personas que mas quiero ! ❤️ || The people I love the most ! ❤️ [ESP / ENG]


Bienvenidos ! || Welcome!

Hola Hivers! Espero que se encuentren muy bien, por mi parte estoy un poco desanimada debido a que he estado recibiendo muchas noticias desalentadoras pero aun asi no pierdo la fe de que las cosas van a mejorar, ahora bien que es querer a alguien ? Considero que para demostrarle a alguien que lo quieres debes estar pendiente de que le sucede, debes apoyarle, animarlo, darle palabras de aliento cuando esta triste, etc.

En esta oportunidad les voy a hablar de las personas que mas quiero en este mundo siguiendo unos puntos que les mencionare a continuación, escribir este post me da animos por que podré expresar mi amor hacia estas personas.

Hello Hivers! I hope you are doing well, I am a bit discouraged because I have been receiving a lot of discouraging news but even so I do not lose faith that things will get better, now what is it to love someone? I think that to show someone that you love them you have to be aware of what is happening to them, you have to support them, encourage them, give them words of encouragement when they are sad, etc.

In this opportunity I am going to talk about the people that I love the most in this world following some points that I will mention below, writing this post gives me encouragement because I will be able to express my love towards these people.


Puntos a tratar: || Points to be addressed:

  • Quien es esa persona

  • Por que es especial para mi

  • Que he aprendido de ella

  • Who is this person

  • Why is she special to me

  • What have I learned from her



Dios | God

Primeramente esta Dios por que es una de las personas que mas amo en este mundo, con su ayuda he logrado superar grandes obstáculos en mi vida que sin el no hubiera podido superar, quien es el ? Mi apoyo, mi creador, mi roca, mi padre que esta en lo alto y me cuida siempre, por que es especial para mi ? siempre me cuida, protege y está pendiente de lo que es mejor para mi vida, que he aprendido de el ? Aprendí a tener paciencia, a poner mis planes en sus manos y dejar que todo fluya, aprendí a que si las cosas me dan paz entonces es bueno, si algo me perturba no lo es, aprendi a escuchar mas a mi corazon y espiritu.

First of all there is God because he is one of the people I love the most in this world, with his help I have managed to overcome great obstacles in my life that without him I would not have been able to overcome, who is he? My support, my creator, my rock, my father who is on high and always takes care of me, why is he special to me? he always takes care of me, protects me and is looking out for what is best for my life, what have I learned from him? I learned to have patience, to put my plans in his hands and let everything flow, I learned that if things give me peace then it is good, if something disturbs me then it is not, I learned to listen more to my heart and spirit.


Mi hermano | My brother

Mi hermano menor es un gran motor en mi vida, quiero siempre ser su mejor ejemplo y darle todo lo mejor, quien es el ? El niño de mis ojos, en quien consigo fuerzas para mejorar como persona, una personita que siempre contara conmigo, por que es especial para mi ? Desde que nació lo es, tenemos la misma sangre, siempre nos decimos lo mucho que nos amamos y nos apoyamos, que he aprendido de el ? Aprendí que las diferencias nos hacen unicos, que debo de ser mas paciente con el, enseñarle mas sobre la vida y guiarle para que no cometa los mismos errores que yo.

My younger brother is a great driving force in my life, I always want to be his best example and give him all the best, who is he? The apple of my eye, in whom I get strength to improve as a person, a little person who will always count on me, because he is special to me? Since he was born he is, we have the same blood, we always tell each other how much we love and support each other, what have I learned from him? I learned that our differences make us unique, that I have to be more patient with him, teach him more about life and guide him so that he doesn't make the same mistakes that I did.


Mis padres | My parents

Mis padres son las personas que me dieron educación, valores y me enseñaron como sobrellevar la vida, me dieron techo, alimento, consejos, les tengo mucho respeto, quienes son están personas para mi ? Son a quienes les debo parte de mi vida, quienes me educaron y se encargaron de que mi crecimiento fuera el mejor, por que son especiales para mi ? Los amo, siempre me apoyaron cada uno a su manera, sobre todo mi madre, que he aprendido de ellos? Un montón de cosas, sobre todo de sus errores para no cometerlos yo, he aprendido lo que es ser y mantener una familia, el amor incondicional y el apoyo familiar.

My parents are the people who gave me education, values and taught me how to cope with life, they gave me shelter, food, advice, I have a lot of respect for them, who are these people for me? They are the people to whom I owe part of my life, who educated me and made sure that my growth was the best, because they are special to me? I love them, they always supported me, each one in their own way, especially my mother, what have I learned from them? A lot of things, especially from their mistakes so that I don't make them myself, I have learned what it is to be and maintain a family, unconditional love and family support.


Mi pareja | My boyfriend

A este chico lo conoci de la manera mas inesperada posible y doy gracias a Dios por poder llamarlo mi novio el dia de hoy, quien es esta persona ? El es un hombre maravilloso lleno de buena educación y virtudes, una excelente persona bondadoso, cariñoso, hace siempre lo correcto, por que es especial para mi ? Por que me hace inmensamente feliz, se preocupa por mi bienestar físico y mental, es atento, me tiene paciencia y me demuestra mucho amor, que he aprendido de el ? He aprendido a amar sin limites, creo que jamas habia hecho algo asi, aprendi a expresar todo lo que soy, a arriesgarme y obtener buenos resultados, a no conformarme con las cosas he ir por mas, el es una gran bendición en mi vida.

I met this guy in the most unexpected way and I thank God for being able to call him my boyfriend today, who is this person? He is a wonderful man full of good education and virtues, an excellent person, kind, loving, always does the right thing, why is he special to me? Because he makes me immensely happy, he cares about my physical and mental well being, he is attentive, he is patient and shows me a lot of love, what have I learned from him? I have learned to love without limits, I think I have never done anything like this before, I have learned to express all that I am, to take risks and get good results, to not be satisfied with things and to go for more, he is a great blessing in my life.


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