"The Ginkgo biloba leaf" found a new home!

An happy Thursday to all hivers here! These days I'm feeling really inspired. I'm working on a couple of new oil paintings on paper and I have a lot of new ideas in my mind, I can say it's a fruitful time for me and this state of mind makes me feel so good.
I also have to finish to work on some drawings for the artist books project of one of my artist friends (soon I'll show you those drawings, promise!), but now I'm here to share with you some good vibes, cause another one of my pieces found a new home thanks to my Artfinder shop!

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The title of this artwork is "The Ginkgo biloba leaf" and I painted it in January. It's one of the pieces I made inspired by different leaves and I'm happy it found a new home!

It's an oil painting on 200 gsm paper in A4 size and tomorrow it will fly to Uk!

See ya soon and stay safe,

***If you like my artworks, you can find them on my online shops on
Artfinder ( https://www.artfinder.com/silviabeneforti#/) and on Etsy (https://www.etsy.com/shop/vumap). I invite you to visit my NFT gallery on NFT Showroom [here](https://nftshowroom.com/silviabeneforti/gallery) ^_^ ****

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