THE AGONY OF A PAWN( An Original Chess Poetry)

Agony Of A Pawn

In the 64 squared Battlefield
I'm just a minor short officer
Filled with big dreams and high hopes
To make it to the last rank
Then I can gain the power and respect I seek.
I'm placed on the front line
With my fellow recruits and we live
At the mercy of our dictator's finger
Or the turnout of the battle.
I might be an individual in my own column
But I'm bestowed with the burden
Of protecting my monarch at all cost
I forever move forward to my future
And never backward to my past
My sacrifice and obligation are never Forgotten Especially when victories achieved.


The pawn may be the most under-rated piece in chess, but it is very helpful to have. Here is a game were the pawn shows its power and strength.
This game was played by Wolfram Heinig and Rainer F A Knaak and was a Averbakh Variation of the Modern Defense.Enjoy the game and tell me your thoughts.


Poem Analysis

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A Pawn is valued at one point and is the weakest piece on a chess board. The poem explains that the pawn doesn't have a choice in the game,it only moves forward and can't go backwards. At the dictator's hand(The player's hand) pawns are usually given away free without regard, a move which is known as gambit which i myself do regularly.

My sacrifice and obligation are never Forgotten Especially when victories achieved.

Nobody actually forgets a pawn that ends up a Queen,In chess it's called promotion.

Written by @Samostically

If you love chess and want to play,There are three Chess tournaments done on Hive every week played on
One On fridays by @stayoutoftherz, Another on Sundays by the @chessbrotherspro. Hopefully we begin a new season soon with @schamangerbert Scheduled to hold on Saturdays!

You can join The Chess Community for more information.


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