What I Have Learned In 2020 Pt 2 (Coffee Talk) | Pix Vlogs Ep 40

#PixiePost #PixVlogs #WhatILearnedIn2020

Today is the 2nd part to the 2 part series about the lessons I learned in 2020...it was a powerful year, both good & bad...

Here, I share more insight I have gained as well as some real life gems that you can focus on throughout your life path in 2021...

2020 was a year for breaking down what no longer serves us & the world. While 2021 hints at continuing on that path, it also holds space for a transition of epic proportions within ourselves & beyond...

As I conclude the chapter on this part of my life, I expand on what lies ahead as well for all of us...take what resonates for you & discard the rest ;)

Now, it's time to find your way home....

Wishing you nothing but love & hope for 2021...

And for what it's worth, I would not be here without all of you & am forever honored to be in your presence. Thank you. πŸ’–πŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ


Today’s Music: Homeless Soul - Fleurs Douces

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Coffee, Cards & Pixie Dust podcast https://anchor.fm/pixiepost

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πŸ’œ To know thyself is to know thy truth. πŸ’œ

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