Fresh Jute Mallow at 3 weeks, DIY hive gardening

Vegetable needs are such an important aspect of our lives and getting them fresh when needed gives me such joy.
The little available space within the house has been very useful anf productive to an extent.


In two weeks time I will be able to harvest these Jute mallow for soup


At three weeks they are about 4 inches above the ground with two to 3 leaves. Harvesting starts at 4 weeks and continuous, this is simply by handpicking the mature plants. The leaves are washed and prepared for drinking.

For medicinal purpose its extract is harvested using water filtered before drinking.
Its aids easy labour in pregnant women and it is good for management of digestive track disorders.




It doesn't require too much of moisture content hence this well drained soil serve an adequate purpose.

Some of the plants are not harvested but allowed to grow up to seed production level.

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