Qurator's Photo Quest | Patterns - Patrones naturales / Natural patterns

Patrones Naturales / Natural Patterns

girasol patrones.JPG

Los girasoles son flores muy hermosas que tienen en su centro muchos detalles y un patrón natural en las partes que componen esta maravillosa flor, parece que todo está a la medida y sus colores también siguen el mismo patrón, el color verde disminuye a amarillo y luego a naranja, todo en una hermosa armonía de contrastes. La naturaleza siempre nos da cosas maravillosas para observar y compartir. Espero sea de su agrado, nos vemos pronto.

Sunflowers are very beautiful flowers that have in their center many details and a natural pattern in the parts that make up this wonderful flower, it seems that everything is to measure and their colors also follow the same pattern, the color green decreases to yellow and then orange, all in a beautiful harmony of contrasts. Nature always gives us wonderful things to observe and share, I hope you like it, see you soon.

Author: @manuel82

Photograph taken with camera Fujifilm HS25EXR
Cumaná - Venezuela

a warm greeting to @qurator the creator of the contest

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I say goodbye until a next opportunity.

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