[ENG-ESP] Shameful and funny situations that I have lived! // Situaciones vergonzosas y graciosas que he vivido! - by @heypuch

Hi friends! I have been seeing that some hivers are participating in an initiative created by the hiver @maridmc in which she invites us to tell some of our funniest experiences and to show her husband that these things do not happen only to her! hahaha I leave her post here for you to read yours!

Hola amigos! he estado viendo que algunos hivers estan participando de una iniciativa creada por la hiver @maridmc en la que nos invita a contar algunas de nuestras experiencias mas graciosas y a demostrarle a su esposo que esas cosas no le pasan solo a ella! jajaja dejo aquí su post para que lean las suyas!




If there is something that always stands out when I talk about my day to day with known and unknown people, it is that my "day" begins much later than most of the people and ends at dawn .... my whole life has been Thus, when I was little it was a conflict with my parents since I had to comply with a school schedule. But now when they grow up they have already accepted that I live like this "upside down" from the rest haha. I am a nocturnal person. I like to work at night, I feel calmer and much more productive. And when the sun starts to rise I go to sleep for a couple of hours! For example, I am writing this post at 3 am, having tea and listening to music with headphones so as not to disturb those who have "normal" hours.

Si hay algo que siempre se destaca cuando charlo sobre mi dia a dia con personas conocidas y desconocidas es que mi "dia" comienza mucho mas tarde del de las mayorias de las personas y termina a la madrugada.... toda mi vida ha sido así, cuando era pequeña era un conflicto con mis padres ya que debia cumplir con un horario escolar. Pero ahora de mayor ya han aceptado que yo vivo asi "al revez" del resto jaja. Soy una persona nocturna. Me gusta trabajar de noche, me siento mas tranquila y mucho mas productiva. Y cuando comienza a salir el sol me acuesto a dormir un par de horas! Por ejemplo, éste post lo estoy escribiendo a las 3 am, tomando un té y escuchando musica con auriculares para no molestar a los que tienen horario "normal"



mm I have a couple of anecdotes but I'm going to go with the first one that came to my mind that is quite current to tell you what happened THREE DAYS ago hahaha my friend Agustina sells cleaning supplies and while I was visiting her house my mother came to buy a couple of liters of bleach. So that she does not come home alone with so much weight, I offered to accompany her, I put the 5-liter can of pure bleach in a bag and we left. It's about 15 blocks to my house, we came chatting carelessly until at one point I stopped because I felt my leg wet ..... yes friends, what you think happened ... when I saw my clothes had a bleach stain that It went from my arm to my right foot .... I mean, all the people who saw me since I left my friend's house saw how I was staining my clothes, which incidentally WAS NEW CLOTHING. I died of shame and it also gave me a lot of hatred to have been so clueless :( Something similar happened on my last vacation. I loaded the thermos of hot water to drink mate in a monument in the city, with such bad luck that the thermos broke in that same place ,,, I did not realize that I was leaving a trail of hot water in my path.Of course the monument was full of people who saw the whole situation.

mm tengo un par de anecdotas pero voy a ir con la primera que vino a mi mente que es bastante actual como para decirles que sucedió hace TRES DIAS jajajaj mi amiga Agustina vende articulos de limpieza y mientras yo estaba de visita en su casa mi madre vino a comprar un par de litros de lavandina. Para que ella no se vuelva sola a casa con tanto peso me ofrecí a acompañarla, puse el bidon de 5 litros de lavandina pura en una bolsa y nos fuimos. Son aproximadamente 15 cuadras hasta mi casa, veniamos charlando despreocupadamente hasta que en un momento frené porque sentí mi pierna mojada..... si amigos, sucedió lo que ustedes creen.... cuando me ví la ropa tenia una mancha de lavandina que iba desde mi brazo hasta mi pie derecho.... osea que toda la gente que me vio desde que salí de la casa de mi amiga vió como yo iba manchando mi ropa que dicho sea de paso ERA ROPA NUEVA. Me morí de verguenza y ademas me dio mucho odio haber sido tan despistada :( Algo similar sucedió en mis ultimas vacaciones. Cargué el termo de agua caliente para tomar mate en un monumento de la ciudad, con tanta malasuerte que el termo se me rompió en ese mismo lugar,,, no me di cuenta que estaba dejando un rastro de agua caliente a mi paso. Por supuesto el monumento estaba repleto de gente que vio toda la situacion.



Well, if we are going to talk about phobias, I must mention that I suffer from podophobia, which is the phobia of puppets and characterized people. And I also have phobias of flying insects.
When I was little I used to throw tantrums and cry, my parents were already used (and a little tired) to my crying, so they didn't give me much importance when I did it. It turns out that once we went to a campsite to spend the day, I was about 4 years old, and I had a nice dress. Then a butterfly decided to land on my arm: PANIC. I began to cry dramatically screaming that it was crawling with insects. My parents wrapped me in a towel and showed me that there were no critters nearby, but it was impossible to calm me down. Unfortunately my parents had to carry things to the car and we had to leave as I was having a panic attack! I couldn't stop screaming and I couldn't breathe. That day they realized that my fear was real. We experienced a similar situation once, while on vacation, they tried to get me to take a picture with a person dressed as Minnie Mouse ... screaming, crying and hysteria.
Now that I'm older I don't make such a fuss, I swear! but it is preferable to stay away from my phobias hahaha

Bueno si de fobias vamos a hablar debo mencionar que padezco de pupofobia, que es la fobia a los titeres y personas caracterizadas. Y tambien le tengo fobias a los insectos voladores. Cuando era pequeña era muy de hacer berrinches y llorar, mis padres ya estaban acostumbrados (y un poco cansados) de mis llantos , asi que no me daban mucha importancia cuando lo hacia. Resulta que una vez fuimos a un camping a pasar el dia, yo tendria unos 4 años de edad, y tenia un lindo vestido. Entonces una mariposa decidió posarse en mi brazo: PANICO. Comencé a llorar dramaticamente gritando que estaba repleta de insectos. Mis padres me envolvieron en una toalla y me demostraron que no habia ningun bicho cerca, pero fue imposible calmarme. Lamentablemente mis padres tuvieron que cargar las cosas al auto y nos tuvimos que ir ya que estaba sufriendo un ataque de panico! no podia dejar de gritar y no podia respirar. Ese dia se dieron cuenta que mi miedo era real. Una situacion similar vivimos una vez que estando de vacaciones intentaron que me tome una foto con una persona disfrazada de Minnie Mouse... gritos, llantos e histeria. Ahora que soy mayor no hago tanto escandalo, lo juro! pero preferible mantenerme lejos de mis fobias jajaja

I invite my friends @LauraMica and @ruffo.pippen to participate in this initiative and tell us about their experiences :)

Thank you very much for reading my post! a kiss and a hug, heypuch.

Invito a mis amigos @LauraMica y @ruffo.pippen a que participen de ésta iniciativa y nos cuenten sus experiencias :)

Muchas gracias por leer mi post! un beso y un abrazo, heypuch.

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