Me vacune contra el Covid-19

Feliz día amigos de Hive, espero que se encuentren muy bien en este nuevo día. Hoy les contaré acerca de mi experiencia vacunandome contra el covid-19.

Happy day friends of Hive, I hope you are very well in this new day. Today I will tell you about my experience getting vaccinated against covid-19.


Mi pareja pidió la cita para que vacunarse y se la asignaron para ayer, lunes 27 de septiembre. Nos levantamos temprano para ir al lugar donde le tocaba vacunarse, yo no tenía la cita pero igual quise ir y si se podía vacunarse de una vez; al llegar habían en la cola ya al rededor de 80 personas, preguntó si yo podía vacunarse sin tener la cita y le dijeron que si, gracias a Dios pude aprovechar la oportunidad de hacerlo de una vez. Llegamos a las 8:00am porque el transporte aquí no funciona tan bien y a las 9:00am comenzó a avanzar la fila, cómo llevábamos al bebé nos hicieron pasar hasta una carpa donde habían personas esperando para entrar, es decir, nos dieron "prioridad", esperamos menos de cinco minutos allí y me dijeron que entrara y le dejara al bebé a él mientras a mí me vacunaban.

My partner made an appointment to get vaccinated and it was assigned for yesterday, Monday, September 27. We got up early to go to the place where he had to get vaccinated, I didn't have the appointment but I still wanted to go and if he could get vaccinated at once; When he arrived there were already around 80 people in the queue, he asked if I could get vaccinated without having the appointment and they said yes, thank God I was able to take advantage of the opportunity to do it at once. We arrived at 8:00 am because transport here does not work so well and at 9:00 am the line began to advance, as we were carrying the baby, they made us go to a tent where there were people waiting to enter, that is, they gave us "priority" We waited less than five minutes there and they told me to come in and leave the baby to him while they vaccinated me.

Antes de entrar me rociaron con alcohol las manos y luego espere en unas sillas a que fuese mi turno para que me atendiera una de las chicas que registraban nuestros datos y nos entregaba un cartón en el que certifica que nos vacunamos, allí dice el nombre de la vacuna que me colocaron, la fecha, mis datos personales y también la fecha en que me toca la segunda dosis. Luego pase ahora sí a que me vacunaban, para ser honesta en ese momento no sentí absolutamente nada, fue super rápido; después a mi y a un grupo de 10 personas más nos llevaron hasta un salón donde nos dieron una charla y nos hablaron de los síntomas que podríamos tener después. Salí de allí fui hasta la carpa y era mi turno de estar con el bebé mientras mi pareja se vacunaba, espere allí más o menos 15 minutos y el salió finalmente vacunado.La vacuna que nos colocaron se llama Sinopharm.

Before entering, they sprayed my hands with alcohol and then I waited in some chairs for it to be my turn for one of the girls who registered our data to attend me and gave us a cardboard in which she certifies that we were vaccinated, there it says the name of the vaccination they gave me, the date, my personal information and also the date on which the second dose is due. Then come on now to get vaccinated, to be honest at that time I didn't feel anything at all, it was super fast; Later, they took me and a group of 10 other people to a room where they gave us a talk and told us about the symptoms that we could have afterwards. I left there I went to the tent and it was my turn to be with the baby while my partner was vaccinated, I waited there for about 15 minutes and he was finally vaccinated.The vaccine they gave us is called Sinopharm.


A partir de las 3 o 4 de la tarde comenzó a dolerme el brazo y a sentirme cansada y como si estuviera enferma, pero nos indicaron que en caso de que eso sucediera debíamos tomar acetaminofén o paracetamol, me tomé una pastilla de paracetamol y gracias a Dios comencé a sentirme mucho mejor.

From 3 or 4 in the afternoon my arm began to hurt and I felt tired and as if I were sick, but they told us that in case that happened we should take acetaminophen or paracetamol, I took a paracetamol pill and thank God I started to feel a lot better.

Y bueno amigos, esa fue mi experiencia, espero que les haya gustado este post.

And well friends, that was my experience, I hope you liked this post.

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