Is There Health For The Body From The Spicy Food We Consume?


Many of us are fans of spicy food. But some also are allergic to spicy food, eating a little spicy already feels stomach pain. But even so if it is accumulated from all the inhabitants of the earth, I believe that those who like spicy food are more than 50% from the lowest level to god-level spicy, Am I right?Especially for Indonesians, most say that eating without chili sauce is like a dish that has forgotten to add salt, even though the dish already has chili. That's funny one 😂..


Spicy food in a reasonable level can provide benefits to our body, but if it's too much then the dangers of consuming spicy food can not be avoided. But in this case the level of acceptance of the hot taste on the body of each person is different. Ancient people believed that spicy food could be used to treat inflammation and improve blood circulation. Scientifically, the spicy food we consume makes the blood in the body flow faster than usual. Thus, the toxins in the body can be removed through sweat.


The content of substances in chilies (Capsicum Annum), among others, protein, carbohydrates, sugar, fiber, fat, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, iron, magnesium, potassium, water, copper, thiamine, manganese, folic acid, capsaicin alkaloid compound.

The content of Vitamin C in chilies is higher than citrus fruits. Per 100 grams of chilies contain as much as 240% Vitamin C. Meanwhile, citrus fruits contain only about 59% Vitamin C.

The benefits of spicy food if consumed properly include:


• Can increase the immune system. In chilies, there are high levels of vitamins A and C so that they function as antioxidants that are useful to protect the body from disease attacks.

• Helps you lose weight, the capcaisin compound in chilies is a component that causes a spicy taste. This compound is useful for increasing body temperature, and accelerating metabolic processes in the body, so that the calorie burning process is maximized.

• Prevent cancer, capcaisin compounds are also useful for inhibiting the growth of cancer cells without damaging surrounding healthy cells.

• Maintains heart health. The spicy taste of chilies that is produced from the capcaisin compound is also useful as an anti-inflammatory substance that prevents blood clots that are harmful to heart health.

• Maintain Mood, the content of capcaisin can increase the level of endorphins and serotonin which relieve pain and provide a feeling of comfort. This hormone could help treat stress and depression.


Consuming chilies is not only beneficial for the body, but if it is excessive, it can cause side effects such as ulcer disease, increase stomach acid, and can irritate the intestines. So it is wise to consume a reasonable amount of chilies, especially if you have a sensitive stomach or cannot tolerate spicy foods.




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