Gibraltar vuelve a la normalidad // Gibraltar returns to normal

Aprovechando que han abierto la frontera con Gibraltar he ido a dar una vuelta y a comprar cosas esenciales con mi mascarilla puesta. Ya en la frontera he comprobado que aun no hay movimiento ninguno exceptuando alguno como yo. No hay colas para entrar e incluso he podido aparcar sin problemas. Los gibraltareños ya hacen vida normal. No se ve a nadie con mascarilla y se respira tranquilidad.

Taking advantage of the fact that they have opened the border with Gibraltar I went for a walk and bought some essential things with my mask on. Once at the border I found that there was still no movement except for some like me. There are no queues to enter and I have even been able to park without problems. The Gibraltarians are now living a normal life. You can't see anyone with a mask on and you can breathe easy.


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Lo único que indica que hemos pasado una pandemia son los carteles pidiendo distancia social.

The only thing that indicates that we have passed a pandemic are the signs asking for social distance.


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Llevan una semana sin ningún contagiado y se nota por la despreocupación de los ciudadanos. Soy el único que lleva protección en toda la ciudad.

They have been free of infection for a week now and you can tell by the carefree attitude of the citizens. I'm the only one in the whole city who has protection.

El único que lleva algo colocado en la cabeza es el almirante Nelson que además del sombrero lleva un pájaro.

The only one who wears something on his head is Admiral Nelson, who wears a bird in addition to his hat.


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Una vez comprado lo esencial puedo salir y regresar a casa.

Once I've bought the essentials I can leave and go home.


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Photos by @cuvi taken with an iphone 6

2020 All rights reserved

Fotografías de @cuvi hechas con Iphone 6. 2020 Reservado todos los derechos.

By @cuvi

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