🎉🎊 I'm so happy to be an expectant mom, 21 WEEKS AND SIX DAYS. Hurray 🎉🎊 🤗🤗

Hi Hiveans,

Few days ago I was out there to get some laboratory scan done due to the fact that I am some months pregnant and I am really expecting a baby but for now the sex of the baby is not yet known. So as a very best procedure which the orientation I was given before marriage, during marriage and also after marriage that in terms of pregnancy you need to take good care of yourself eat good and healthy fruit, go for check up as much as possible in order to check the baby if he or she is in a very good best position. This and many more of good advice was being taken and here I am. On the 8th of this month I went for a check-up with my husband and we went to Union diagnosis and clinical service where we received a very good attention from the nurses and attendance.

We spent a couple of hours before we were attendance to and after all we went into the way lab room for check-up as it was shown here.

  • This was when we were going.


  • Because of the environment we find ourselves and also for easy movement we booked a tricycle to and fro to reach our destination quickly.










  • I was laid down for a couple of minutes while the outcome was going on. I was also privileged to look at what the doctor was doing at the scan room.



  • This was also the diagram that was given to us after the scan was done to show how effective and also active the baby is at the moment.


  • This was the result of the laboratory test which was done on the 8th of this month. It was quite short not too stressful because I was laid down for like 10 to 15 minutes.




Thanks to @mistural for teaching me how to use this awesome blogging skill interface.
  • I was told to continue eating fruits and more of water. More of green vegetables, most especially the spinach specie , I was also told to eat more of pineapple, apples, carrot, watermelon, cucumber, oranges and more. They are also natural medicine for pregnant women. There are no complications and I'm really happy for that. this is also to wish everyone who is looking up to this kind of a miracle that very soon it will be their own turn of happy moments and joyful moments in their home.

Thanks for visiting my blog and also for your kind comment and support.

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