馃懚馃┖鉂わ笍 Filomena un Milagro de Dios 鉂わ笍馃┖馃懚||By @anestesioloco


Hello my dear friends at Hive, it is a pleasure to say hello again. In this morning I want to share with you some excellent news, which fills me with great happiness and satisfaction. Remember Filomena, the beautiful baby who stole my heart? Who sailed with a somewhat strange and low incidence condition but it was her turn to suffer from it among thousands of babies. Do you remember her?

Hola mis estimados amigos de Hive, es un gusto volverles a saludar. En este oornquiero compartir con ustedes una excelente noticia, que me llenk de mucha felicidad y satisfacci贸n. Recuerdan a Filomena, la hermosa beb茅 que me robo el coraz贸n? Quien navio con una condici贸n un poco extra帽a y de baja incidencia pero le toco a ella padecerla entre miles de beb茅s. La recuerdan?


To remind you a bit of the case, Filomena was born with a tumor known as the sacrococcygeal teratoma, is defined as a tumor composed of tissues derived from the 3 germ layers of the embryo (endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm). Sacrococcygeal teratoma is a tumor located at the base of the coccyx. It has an incidence of 1 in 35,000 to 40,000 births and is the most common tumor in newborns, predominantly in females. This bene con ta. Only 20 days old, she underwent a long and laborious surgical intervention to remove the tumor in its entirety, perform a biopsy and thus be able to define and promote the evolution of this beautiful baby.

Para recordarles un poco del caso, Filomena naci贸 con un tumor conocodo coomo teratoma sacrococcigeo, es definido como un tumor compuesto de tejidos derivados de las 3 capas germinales del embri贸n (endodermo, mesodermo y ectodermo). El teratoma sacrococc铆geo es un tumor ubicado en la base del c贸ccix. Tiene una incidencia de 1 por cada 35000 a 40000 nacimientos y es el tumor m谩s com煤n en los reci茅n nacidos, con predominio en el sexo femenino. Esta bene con ta. solo 20 dias de nacida fue sometida a una larga y laboriosa inyervencion quir煤rgica para extraer el tumor en su totalidad, realizarle biopsia y asi poder definir y pronosticar la evoluci贸n de esta hermosa beb茅.


After two weeks of evolution, this is how the surgical wound looks, without that large and painful tumor that limited the physiological functions and quality of life of Filomena, a very clean and healthy wound. Perhaps the scar is not very pretty and no one would like to have it, especially since they were born. But the important thing is that it is totally healthy, and as it grows, the aesthetic part can be corrected without any risk.

Despues de dos semanas de evoluci贸n asi luce la herida quir煤rgica, sin ese grande y doloroso tumor que limitaba las funciones fisiologicas y calidad de vida de Filomena, una herida muy limpia y sana. Tal vez no es muy bonita la cicatriz y ninguno quisiera tenerla y menos desde recien nacido. Pero lo importante es que est谩 totalmente sana, y a medida que vaya creciendo se puede corregir la parte est茅tica sin ning煤n tipo de riesgos.


This girl with those lively and bulging eyes stole my heart completely, I took so much affection for this baby that every day when I went to work I visited the newborn unit to ask about her evolution, although not every day I could Seeing her I was always aware of her and helping in whatever way I could. The good news when I arrived at my work today was to find that the results of the tumor biopsy were already in place, and the report reported that the margins of the exceresis were free of tumor cells, in short, the tumor if it was highly malignant but in his body they did not remain. cancer cells, so the beautiful Filomena is out of danger and will have a healthy life and a normal and happy childhood. Today when she heard the news, she insisted on going in to leave her and I found that she was already discharged, this warrior and strong girl who was only one month old and overcame such a strong and lethal disease in most cases. I was able to take this photo of her when I said goodbye to her 馃槏

Esta ni帽a con esos ojitos tan vivarachos y saltones me robo el coraz贸n por completo, le tome tanto afecto a esta beb茅 que dia a dia al dirigirme a mi trabajo visitaba la unidad de recien nacidos para preguntar por su evoluci贸n, aunque no todos los dias podia verla siempre estuve pendiente de ella y de ayudar en lo que pudiera. La buena noticia al llegar hoy a mi trabajo fue encontrar que ya estaban los resultados de la biopsia del tumor, y elninforme reporto los margenes de la exceresis estaban libres de c茅lulas tumorales en resumen el tumor si era de alta malignidad pero en su cuerpo no quedaron c茅lulas cancer铆genas, asi que la hermosa Filomena esta fuera de peligro y tendra una vida sana y una infancia normal y feliz. Hoy al saber la noticia insisti en entrar a salidarla y encontre que ya estaba dada de alta, esta ni帽a guerrera y fuerte a oesar de tan solo uns mes ya de nacida vencio una enfermedad tan fuerte y letal en la mayor铆a de los casos. Pude tomarle esta foto al despedirme de ella 馃槏

Thanks for reading and supporting me with your vote. If you want to continue enjoying content like this, remember to follow me so you don't miss out on my next posts. The photographs used in this post are my property, taken with my mobile phone.

Gracias por leer y apoyarme con tu voto. Si deseas seguir disfrutando de contenido como este recuerda seguirme para que no te pierdas de mis pr贸ximas publicaciones. Las fotograf铆as usadas en este post son de mi propiedad, tomadas con mi tel茅fono movil.


I hope you liked my publication, thanking in advance the support from @blocktrades @appreciator @curie @curangel @rocky1 @upmewhale @kpine, among others who give me their support.

Espero les haya gustado mi publicaci贸n, agradeciendo de antemano el apoyo de @blocktrades @appreciator @curie @curangel @rocky1 @upmewhale @kpine, entre otros que me brindan su apoyo.
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