Apple tree

Hello friends.

I'm not a wizard or a magician, I'm just learning to be one.

This year is a very interesting summer. It started very early, it is very warm, even hot. But, because of
this, the summer is very dry.
On the weekend, I was passing a ball with my family at a friend's house. I was surprised that it was only July, and he had already fully formed apples hanging on his apple trees. The Apple Saviour holiday is still a whole month away! It is believed that apples ripen in our region after August 20. On this day, they are consecrated in the church.

Due to the lack of moisture in the ground, apple trees begin to throw off excess apples on the ground. They are simply not able to feed all their offspring, or rather all the apples that hang on the branches.
As this friend of mine said, this spring during the flowering of apple trees there was a heavy rain and there was a very strong wind, the flowers did not have time to pollinate, so the harvest is not very large. And what would have happened if the trees had gathered a lot of harvest on their branches at the very beginning?

I like that my friend's house is all covered with greenery - wild maiden grapes.

How does such a mass of greenery manage to grow in such a short time?



Take care of nature - your mother.

I give 5% of the reward to @archon, and he thanks me for it. Do you do it?

I add my beloved @hive-166168 community as a 5% beneficiary of the post.

I wish everyone happiness for life and good luck for every day.

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