A Brief Insight Into My Take on the H.A.T.E.D Ethos in Regards to Tyranny: A Desperate Plea for Earth's Citizens to Open Their Eyes Before We Cross the Point of No Return Globally...


While you might not realize it by reading my sometimes incredibly heated and passionate writings on various topics, I'm not actually a violent person at all by nature, infact when I was a wee tyke I was somewhat of a meek pushover who would run from a fight instead of stand my ground..

However I've always had a well developed and deeply ingrained sense of justice and defending those who are too scared to defend themselves or unable to due to physical or mental issues preventing them from doing so. As to do anything less is effectively complacency to evil.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,”

This Isn't Simply One or More "Nations" Issue.. It's Global

We live in an extremely troubling time here on Earth. When you've got potential biological eugenics programs masquerading as natural disease and the subsequent fix in the form of experimental epigenetic vaccination going on right in front of us, many global governments constantly and consistently trouncing the individuals rights via blatant over-regulation and draconian law, corporations poisoning the air, water and soil of the entire fucking planet for profit and the greedy as shit dickhead energy sectors pushing a petrol based dollar on us, all the while killing off ANY and ALL disruptive new energy generation technologies through patents or outright hiding new technology so they can keep profiting off of 120 year old internal combustion engine tech to ensure their investments into things like offshore drilling rigs are maximized...

We've got a global problem on our hands, one that isn't going to be solved by simply conversing about it sadly. The window in which action can be taken against all of this is narrowing rapidly.

Speaking The Language of Those Who Rule By Force and Fear

The only language rich sociopaths, fake democratic soap operas and dictatorships understand is violence most of the time sadly.. And while I don't like it, when it comes down to it.. I'll gladly arm myself and anyone else willing to stand up for the worlds citizens and the planet itself if need be.

To do anything less ensures as a collective we end up dead, enslaved or worse.

We as a species let the world get taken over by people who prefer profit over progress... It's our fault and in order to fix it we might have to end up in a global civil war.. What has happened is analogous to the "slow boiling a frog" method.. Except in this case the frog is the planet and every single last one of it's inhabitants.. And it's been evolving into this for hundreds and hundreds of years..

You think the "new world order", "bilderberg group" or whatever is going to stop and come to their senses at all in order to skirt the path of absolute destruction of societies and the ecosystems supporting them that they've laid out in the past? You think some type of reform of multi-national corporations and the governments that allow them to operate above the law and beyond the scopes of decent morality is just somehow magically going to materialize into existence...?

Ehhh.. I'd sooner hedge my bet on the result to all of that being a resounding NO and have the information required for every damn able bodied, person to help over throw this persistent travesty against humanity than have you and your family or any future generation stuck in a government gulag on a dying planet polluted past the point of no return by multi-national corporations and the governments allowing such rape of the planet and it's inhabitants for profit because we were to scared to stand up against it, share gun designs on our blockchain, websites and networks and put a halt to this by any means necessary and with the cost being entirely invalid in the end..

A Message to Those Opposed to Firearms and Fighting for Freedom


It wasn't the Tec-9 the kid in columbine used to shoot his classmates that decided to fire by itself.. Guns aren't inherently any more dangerous than a vehicle, knife or popsicle provided it's in the hands of a person without mal-intent.. But the main stream media and government would much rather you live in fear of bad guys with guns instead of realizing that firearms are merely an evolution of slinging rocks, arrows or spears at something. I'm not saying everyone should print 3D guns and go shoot up their local governments.. I'm saying that you should be free to do as you please provided you're not providing measurable detriment to others.

Regardless on if you're an individual who is comfortable around guns, potentially violent asymmetric warfare, murmurs of revolution, the assembly of global militia groups or not.. At the end of the day it's irrelevant. It boils down 100% to if the majority or not is willing to fight for their right to a future free from oppressions and tyranny.. or have been so broken as a species and domesticated via means of societal programming and other factors to even realize what is going on or do anything about it.

This is the reality we live in. We're at a precipice of complete irreversible ecological and societal collapse it seems, but it's not to late to correct the course.. There is still hope if we as a species collectively band together and force those in positions of power being abused out and put safe guards in place to prevent those who exhibit psychopathy from ever regaining their stranglehold not only on the planet, but on the future generations of humanity and their technological and spiritual evolution. Without a unified global opposition to corporate and government tyranny there may not even be a future for your grandkids or their kids on this planet at the rate we're going now.

Do I Sound Like an Extremist or Domestic Terrorist to You?


You all can thank the sociopaths running these so called "countries" into the fucking ground and overregulating people's lives for effectively "radicalizing" me into a being who would gladly manufacture or pick up arms to defend you and your families future at any cost, regardless of whatever god / sky daddy you pray to, colour your skin happens to be or your political cheerleader stance. I don't expect you to do the same for me, but if you'd like to join the cause then we'd love to have you on board. Everyone from all nations and walks of life are welcomed and perhaps even required in order for the global push against tyranny to be truly unstoppable and effective.

What it boils down to is this: How far are you willing to let the federal or nation state bullies in suits and their gangs of uniformed thugs (sometimes called police) bully you into the corner before you stand up, exhibiting far greater numbers, power and mass than they will ever yield, and then punch them in the fucking teeth ( preferably with a high velocity round ) for trying to scare you all into submission while undermining the potential future for every single living thing on this planet?

Be it with COVID, threats of jail or by more sinister means such as secret police and/or using completely immoral means such as directed energy weapons or microwaving you with beamformed 5G, the world governments, simply put, do not give flying fuck about you or your families well being and ultimately will treat you in a manner similar to how humans treat livestock to be later slaughtered for food.

Do You Know What Assessable Means?

In their eyes the governments believe they own you due to imaginary lines drawn on maps ( collectively called in a delusional political fallacy as "countries" normally ) and will gladly take whatever they can get from you, often farming your life hours and developed skills to bolster their own military, scientific and other hidden project budgets through taxation on your wages, when you purchase items or when they require you to give them money for any form of licensing in which they pretend you're not allowed to do a particular action unless you have a special piece of paper indicating they have given you permission.. All the while using the money / value you've created and they've stolen to develop more effective ways to monitor, subdue and control you.. This is unjust.

That is what the whole thing is about at the end of the day, if you don't have the balls to ensure we don't all end up fucked by any government body or agency, foreign or domestic, that views you and your kin as an expendable, farmable resource.. Then that is totally cool, I get it. I used to be a fucking pussy too.. But then one day I realized that avoiding this issue was just as bad as perpetrating it.

That doesn't mean I won't now and forever more until this mortal shell fails, stand up and fight for you and yours if that is what need be to ensure neither you nor your future children ever end up in a situation in which all freedoms are lost.. Just please remember that while your societal programming has made you afraid or inclined to avoid topics such as this, it doesn't mean you're necessarily stuck in that state of perpetual fear. Ask yourself how far you're willing to let the destruction of peoples rights and the planet progress before it's effected you enough to make you angry to the point of doing something about it.. The fact of the matter is, if you consider yourself an aware and intelligent person if you're not already to the point you're willing to do something about it, you're either not paying close enough attention to the atrocities on the world stage, you're working for the human garbage pushing their agendas and garbage or you've been scared into complacency.

Any Freedom Fighter Mobilized Against the Proliferation of Corrupt Government or Corporate Injustice is Often Labelled as a Terrorist or Extremist by Those Perpetrating Tyranny


I'm far more afraid of the entire planet being taken as fools, completely subjugated then marched into an early mass extinction event than I am of having to kick off a global scale civil war on a to ensure there is still a viable planet for future generations to live on.

Now while some may misconstrue this as some form of eco-terrorist or completely anti-government sentiment manifesto, the whole ecological aspect of this is only one tiny part, and governments acting within a framework designed to create rights for the individual rather than remove them is absolutely fine by me.. The real enemy here is the leaders of government and industry exhibiting extreme levels of sociopathy and psychopathy all the while conducting themselves in their best interests at the expense of the entire planets population both human and animal while dictating what we can and cannot do all the while completely believing themselves above their own dictated tyrannical rules.

Hypocrisy is one of the traits most humans exhibit, and this extends all the way up to our institutions, agencies and the governments facilitating them.. I for one have had enough of watching the world go to shit and burn from the sidelines.. The time is now to begin putting the wheels in motion globally in order to crash directly head on into these assholes within the deep state or government who will otherwise remain unchecked at the expense of absolutely everything you care about now or in the future.

So What Will it Be?

Do you join the global resistance, pledging to fight tyranny in all forms to hopefully ensure the lives, futures and freedoms of all people, animals and ecosystems are protected now and for the foreseeable future? Or do you sit there scared to rock the boat of your tyrant dictators and do nothing like a spineless coward, letting them strip your rights and planet only to later, when it's to late to do a fucking thing about it, look back with 20/20 hindsight and wish you'd done more when it was still viable to do so? This decision rests with every person on the planet and the time to submit your answer and take actions inline with how you want the future to look like is not tomorrow, its NOW.

I'm not saying go shoot up your local government branch nor am I wishing violence nor use of excessive force against those who would gladly use it against us to quell a questioning of their ethics and power... This is a time to spread the word that the citizens of earth are banding together in the face of a common enemy, with that enemy being tyranny from any government, corporation or group who deems it's usage justifiable. Rule by force and fear is the enemy here, one that must be destroyed with extreme prejudice when the time is right, and that time is steady approaching.

I fight for privacy, for freedom of expression today and tomorrow and ultimately to ensure that you and those in your life you care about have a chance for a future free from being completely controlled by any tyrant led government and can use this future to further the species and fix the damages done by allowing psychopaths to rule over the planet for generations..

When Does This Revolution Start?


Global revolution has been set in motion for some time now, in response to the tyrannical multi-national globalist threat that has effected us all over the past few generations. Up until recently it'd been considered somewhat of a "cold" war.. However, more and more of the citizens of Earth are "waking up" per say and pledging their lives towards fighting against tyranny, in order to ensure a future for every man, woman, child, fish, insect and beast. This falls onto all of our shoulders and is a massive burden to bare, but one if not the only true battle within our lifetimes that will need to be fought.. Because to allow this to continue on into the future serves only to ensure the complete and utter destruction of not only humans, but all species and the planet itself as we know it.

This isn't a "down the road" battle that need be fought, the war begun ages ago against the common man, we were simply to enthralled with the "roman bread and circus" to notice as a whole... But the circus show is over now, and that bread you have been handed previously is now unfit for human consumption. The time to muster our collective strength as the majortiy on this planet is now.

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