Mycelic Slipspawn is a battle hero - Earth Unit

Mycelic Slipspawn


Hello, Splinterland warriors!
How are you today? I hope that you are fine and in good health.

My use of a magic summoner did not prevent me from winning this battle despite my opponent's use of a summoner that detracts from the magic attack of my monsters.
A short but powerful battle in which the opponent was eliminated in a short time.

These are my choices.

The summoner playing in this battle is Obsidian. This summoner consumes 4 mana but adds 1 magic attack to all his monster friends.

First place: Mycelic Slipspawn Has 10 health and 2 Magic Attack, has the ability to make all monsters target it, allowing back row monsters to target the opponent's monsters easily.

Second place: Khmer Princess 2 health, 1 speed, 1 Magical Attack, has no special abilities, but does not consume mana.

Third place: Goblin Psychic 3 health, 1 speed, ​​2 Magic Attack, consumes 6 mana and has the ability to heal the monster in the first place.

Fourth place: Xenith Archer Don't consume too much mana, has 1 range attack

To watch the Battle

My Deck

Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4

Splinterlands is a free-to-play browser-based game that will get you hooked on it. If you're an online gamer, this game is for you. If you want to experience playing this beautiful game and boost your mind's capabilities, feel free to join through this link below:

See you next time. Until then, I hope you are doing well.

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1 column