RE: 2021-10-23

The keys are in the 9th and 10th amendments. Remember they have deadlier viruses that is ten times worse than Covid-19 and even more deadly than the Covid Vaccines. I would say a lot more than ten times more lethal.

The stay-behind networks will try to stay hidden even if Republicans or others are elected. And many Republicans and others have been RINOs or whatever the case might be, blackmailed, bought out, etc.

They are always trying to trap freedom-lovers into Jan6 and similar false flag scams, hoaxes. They always try to blame guns and conservatives and everything. And they have been accelerating on their attack, they are often on the offense while we are on the defense.

We might go to war with China by February of 2022 on top of that. China is trying to invade via a variety of means. Like there is more than one way to take over America. Also, Muslims or Jihadist terrorists are trying to conquer our nation in the name of Islam and Allah. Plus, we got globalists doing it. I don't know what the Mormons are doing. The Luciferianism are kind of there behind the scenes.

And then you got billionaires, Hollywood, the fake news, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big School, Big Science, Big Entertainment, etc, etc, and they are like trying to be good faithful puppets. Some of the billionaires have bunkers where they run off to hide in as the world ends or so they were told by weird control freaks.

It is critical that we expose their game, their lies, follow the money, connect the dots, etc, etc.

Because the globalists and others have so many followers and such meaning if people killed Biden and others, then other people would rise up. And even if we got rid of the entire Biden cabinet, there is always more where that came from.

And whether people like it or not, whether people agree with it or not, they use these types of situations as excuses to come and lock us down even more, to take us to FEMA camps all over America, to take our guns, to stick stuff into our bodies which will kill us or whatever the case might be.

And there are thousands of United Nation troops in America right now. There are thousands of Chinese troops in Mexico and Canada. There are thousands of illegal aliens coming into America from Mexico each week or even each day in 2021. These are the pawns of the New World Order.

I say all of this to say it is not a simple war that we are fighting.

In truth, we are fighting like ten wars at the same time or maybe a lot more than that if you add up all of the components I mentioned above, all the different players, factions, be it Islam, China, Catholicism, Globalism, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Luciferianism, United Nations, fake news, US INC, and those are only ten from the top of my head.

They will not stop and when I say they, I mean all of these third-party groups which does not end if Trump was to be the President again or if we had another good president. Like, having a good president is a step in the right direction but it could also put some people back to sleep. Because all the people are still out there behind the scenes.

One advantage we have right now is a lot of the bad people in the world are being exposed and such right now as light is being shined on them. Truth is the remedy to deception.

Arrest and imprison Biden.

Arrest and imprison Obama.

And the list goes on and on, so many people to arrest.

Don't just murder the bad people.

Have public trials.

Have some jurors and judges.

Air the trials on television, cable, radio, Internet, phones, at malls, airports, bars, town squares, from the sky via holograms, on billboards, everywhere, every country, stream it 24/7, back them up, many websites, many places, have it playing non-stop for months or however long it takes as the Nuremberg 2 trials go on and on similar to how the original Nuremberg trials went from around 1946 to like 1949 or maybe it was 1948 but basically several years and I think different countries had their own trials in order to decide what to do regarding scientists, doctors, etc, who worked for Hitler.

Bring on Nuremberg 2.

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