Small illustration of axie

Hola tengan un cordial saludo comunidad de Axie Buzz, Paso por aqui para ofrecerles este pequeño trabajo que realice inspirado en axi infinity, espero que sea de su agrado y lo puedan disfrutar tanto como yo al momento de realizarlo.

En contexto la imagen es la escencia de como dia a dia nuevos axies llegan a travez de un portal al mundo crypto para darle nuevo sentido a la economia y vida de las personas, un mundo donde los axies han sido un catalizador para muchas situaciones en la vida de las personas y les ha dado la posiblidad de ampliar sus fronteras, esta ilustracion representa eso.

Axie es ese pequeño portal que nos llevan a un mundo donde la economia es mas divertida donde podemos tomarnos enserio un juego y vivir de ello es un sueño hecho realidad para muchos

Hello have a cordial greeting Axie Buzz community, I'm here to offer you this little work that I made inspired by axi infinity, I hope you like it and you can enjoy it as much as I did at the time of making it.

In context the image is the essence of how day by day new axies come through a portal to the crypto world to give new meaning to the economy and life of people, a world where axies have been a catalyst for many situations in the lives of people and has given them the possibility to expand their borders, this illustration represents that.

Axie is that little portal that takes us to a world where economics is more fun where we can take a game seriously and living from it is a dream come true for many.

Axie art new world.png

Ha sido para mi un placer realizar este trabajo y esta publicacion dedicada para los amantes de axie infinity, espero que este mundo crypto continue tan bien como va y siga siendo la manera mas genial de vivir la vida, y poder alcanzar metas que antes quizas tardariamos mas en alcanzar

Sin mas que decir me despido tengan un feliz dia y les mando un fuerte abrazo

It has been a pleasure for me to make this work and this publication dedicated to axie infinity lovers, I hope this crypto world continues as well as it is going and continues to be the coolest way to live life, and to achieve goals that before maybe we would take longer to reach.

Without more to say I say goodbye have a happy day and I send you a big hug.

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