Monomad, Some memories from Patagonia

A little more about my trip to Chilean Patagonia. Some photos of Cohaique, Aysen, where we stayed at the NOLS school. It is worth researching about this school for those who like adventure, as it is nothing more than a school for adventurers in the world. The courses are expeditions in different modalities such as kayak, climbing, treking. There we can meet a photographer and teacher at the school, Marcelo Mascareno, who accompanied us on the way to Laguna san Rafael. I had never known a school like this. We left by carretara Austral, the Director of Photography Daniel Leite, Andre Penna, local producer, Fabio Ramo, Felipe Buff, kayakers and Marcelo Mascareno to discover Lake General Gran Carrera. We travel by road and we can observe the change of vegetation and climate during the 2h trip to Cochrane.
Our first day of the trip, we filmed the pair crossing the Gran Carrera Lake until we reached a cliff that only kayaks managed to enter. at the end of the route we disembark on a small beach.
A few more memories from my first business trip.
Camera Olympus Om1
Film Ilford
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